Chapter 3

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My little lamb is so cute

"I want you to stay here."

Porsche's pov

Did I heard it right? This bastard wants me to stay in his mansion? But why? I mean I know I'm gonna work for him but why must I stay at his house? Besides if I stay at his place he will definitely gain full control of my life. I must refuse cause I can't let that happen.

"No way."

"Don't be stubborn Porsche. If you work for me you have to stay here."

Damn it. This idiot. Why is he being so forceful? I already said no but he just don't know how to give up. Well, let's think of a reasonable excuse.

"Don't bother to think of any excuse. You have no choice but to stay."

I was surprised. How does he know what I'm thinking. Is he a mind reader? Fuck what to do now?
I don't want to stay with him to fight for him and give him a way to make money more than he already has. He just want to use me to get back at his rivals.

"Don't forget your brother is still in my hands."

Fuck did he have to say those words? I already know that. He is even laughing at my helplessness. I can't go against him now. Not when he has my brother.

"Fine I will stay."

I'm defeated. I really have no choice. And I hate myself for this. I hate for being so useless. I hate that I can't even protect my brother and myself. I'm really doomed.😔

After 30 minutes I saw Chay coming down the stairs. Oh my god! finally he is here. Safe and sound in one piece. He came running when he saw me. "Hiaaa". He hugged me tightly. How scared he must have been. Seeing my brother and feeling his touch I forgot all the troubles.

While I was stroking my brother's head I saw Kinn looking at me. Shit I forgot he was here. I told my brother to wait for me outside for 5 minutes. He nodded and went out. He is being so obidient now. I guess getting kidnapped was good for him in some way.


Kinn is looking at me again. Why is he staring at me? I don't understand. But somehow his gazes are making me a little nervous. It's like he will eat me alive with only his eyes.

"I have a condition."


"I will fight for you but you can't force me whenever you want. I have many other things to do so I will decide when to fight."

"Fine with me."

"Come back tomorrow and bring your luggage too. Since this is your 'home' from now."


Kinn's pov

I don't care about any fight. Since there was no fight from the start. Why will I let the guy I'm hitting on fight for me? I will never let him get hurt for me. But he doesn't know that. Well I will tell him later. He will be mad for sure. Haha it's just so amusing.

'I will definitely get you'.

But what about Tawan? That brat. I need to get rid of him but it's not so easy. His father made my father force me to date Tawan. Shit what a pain in the ass.

Well,I need to get ready. There is a meeting today. Even father will attend too. We will get 5 new bodyguards today. I better hurry and go. And Porsche,he will definitely be mine.

KinnPorsche/VegasPete (Love Me Or Die)Where stories live. Discover now