🔞Chapter 14🔞

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  String of emotion/ love me Pete

(A VegasPete chapter only)

Vegas pov,

Brilliant! Can't curse my fate anymore than this, can I?? I wonder how Ma is gonna feel if she witnesses Pa's hideous act from the upper world. She'd grieve over this for sure. How could you Pa? Didn't you think of our mother once before bringing that wench into the minor family's main mansion? Or couldn't you at least discuss this with me beforehand? Our home, the very minor family mansion which mother decorated with all her love and affection always served her as it's mistress, even the servants and guards, they all honoured and respected mother as their only sole of happiness. She was so kind to us, but now she is gone and you decide to bring another woman home and place her as a fucking replacement of our mother? Damn it!!

When mother was alive pa only focused on work. There wasn't a single day when mother didn't longed for father and missed him enough to cry out secretly without letting her children realise. But I knew that she was going through a tough time cause she barely ate whenever dad was away from work. No matter how much dad tried to convince her not to skip her meals, she just kept her stubbornness and starved herself most of the time.

"This is Maria...get along with her."

How can father expect me to welcome that obnoxious woman and take her as my new ma? What about Macao? How is he gonna accept all of this? Damn, I without a flinch just dashed out of the door and shut father off on his face cause I almost would've chased that woman out roughly but I couldn't because of father.

Being the elder son really sucks. I have to witness and just bear all by myself and can't even consult Macao about it. I already broke the signal cause I'm not in the mood to stop today no matter what happens afterwards. I'm running my motorbike in an enormous speed and I know I may fall or get hurt seriously but I don't care. I just want to erase all of those memories of earlier.

"Hey stop, hey you...stop it's dangerous."

Fuck even cops are following me now but I don't intend to stop. Let this cold breeze blow the sorrow off of my mind.

The cops were getting closer so I accelerated my motorbike's speed even more before.

"Stop you impulsive lunatic... You're going too fast. At this rate you will die, fucking retard."

I still paid no attention and just continued to rampant on the road like it belongs to me for the night.

Wee woo! Wee woo! Wee woo!

So noisy. Just shut the fuck up! It was getting so noisy that I couldn't help it anymore and turned my head to scoff at them but that's when I forgot to check the ahead where there was a four wheeler passing by the side of me and the driver screamed so loudly that I turned my head in front again and couldn't see clearly cause of the bright flash in my eyes and lost my balance suddenly and the bike changed its way and skeed dangerously as it crashed to a nearby pole very bitterly.


Wee woo! Wee woo!

Shoot! I fell off of the bike and rolled on the road. The helmet glass broke and I hurt my body all over very badly.

Oh god! People came running and gathered but I just can't get up cause it hurts so much. Maybe I broke my leg or fractured it. It was kind of getting blurry. Just when I thought I was done for, I saw 'him' .

Author's pov,

"Are you alive? Get up man....someone! Someone call 911."

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