🔞Chapter 18🔞

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Guys it seems the nc scene is too long again🤣 but those who are vp will have fun so let's start.....

The Devil within pt-2

"Come on, little puppy you awakened the demon...."

"Let's go to hell together, shall we?"
"N-no let ge no stop nooooooo......."


Pete pov,

How much? How much time has past? I barely remember.....it's- it's like my whole body is tearing apart. Is there any anything I can hold on to? It-its feels terrible all over my body. It's painful, it hurts. Fuck this Vegas, can't he spare me already? Just how much is he gonna torture me?

What happened again? Aah right,

(3 hours ago)

"Vegas, Vegas shit let go, LET GO."

He suddenly went impulsive and dragged me all over to the minor family mansion, to his room or should I say the chamber of the satarn. His room is like a demon lair. Full of expensive furniture and weird objects like shackles or leather gags, whip and penis shaped toys which were in various sizes and shapes, hanging here there, gross.

I pity for the person who will share a life with this lunatic. But why does it feel God paid the pity right back to me by dumping me into his grasp every time??😔

Anyways after that he started throwing dirty words towards me so I got angry, anyone would. I didn't do anything wrong why should I tolerate this? I'm not emoionally attached with him nor he is so why? I got fed up as I had to report to Khun Kinn and moreover I was eager to get rid of this drag costume so I decided to leave Vegas to blabber all by himself in his evil chamber.

But when I was leaving the chain which I was wearing on my thighs jingled softly and Vegas heard that. He suddenly grabbed my neck and gave a back yank with force which I couldn't avoide and bumped my body right at his bed.

Vegas pov,

After all the warnings I gave him, all went fuile. He went there and in a getup I never even received to pleasure myself with. I know he is beautiful but a women's costume and a lewd one at that, but for someone else? That I can't tolerate. He is mine so whatever he's gonna wear or do, it should be for me.

My head was ranting, so I forcefully brought him with me. Pete provoked me so much that I even talked so rudely to hia which I never did before. Kinn's not gonna understand my reason, he would've if I had done the same with Porsche. Kinn's also at fault as much as Pete.

Of course Pete has his limits too. He got angry and was leaving me but my place isn't something where one can leave freely. I gotta punish him so he will never dare to make the same mistake again, at least not for anyone other than me. But I heard a strange noise. It sounded like small bells, I turned and saw Pete is making that noise but how? Then I noticed something shining on his thighs and I was curious so I caught his neck and shoved him on my bed. When he fell his legs were spread on the air and I saw a jewellery sticking on that white legs.

Seriously Pete? Even going so far as putting on thigh jewellery? Wait I see something else too. Are those....bite marks? But it's been a while since I fucked Pete when who made it? He was seeing someone behind me? My my Pete, you're getting so bold. How should I punish you little sweetie?

Author's pov,

Vegas ruffled his hairs roughly bakwards and gave an evil grin to Pete then suddenly he started humming something with his mouth closed. Pete never saw this side of Vegas so he could only foresee something worst.

KinnPorsche/VegasPete (Love Me Or Die)Where stories live. Discover now