Chapter 11

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Misunderstanding/ It hurts so much

Chay pov,

'ummmmph' ...... I couldn't help but moan softly because of this sweet sensation. Phi' Kim's lips taste so sweet, so soft and especially there is a light flavour of coffee emitting from his mouth. It's a little sweet with some bitter sensation and the taste is just rich. Maybe cause he drinks coffee often.

Honestly I never expected Phi' Kim to kiss me. I mean yeah I wanted him to kiss me but I never thought of it this sooner. Well, after a soft peck he backed off I don't know why but I just stared at his face with a stupid look cause I was really surprised but when he said if I like it or not, I responded immediately cause yes I wanted more. Who wouldn't? I hummed in his rhythm assuring him about my mutual intentions and he just then shoved his lips tightly on my lips, this time a little more aggressively.

I felt him nibbling on my lower lips softly and trying to put his tongue in but patiently waiting for me to open up my mouth and I did. I slowly parted my lips for him to jam in while maintaining my breathing too. He also took no time to snake his tongue in my mouth and revolving with full concentration like his life depends on it hehe~

"Hmmmmm Chay~"

Wait did he also moan? Shit!! He is moaning. His voice sounds husky now and it's so damn sexy. I never thought Kim had this side of him despite his cool straight posture. Especially because of me....his voice turned into sexy moans because of me.


I also couldn't stop my demanding groans coming out of my horny mouth anticipating for more as I slightly brushed his hair off from his neck then put my arms on it gently and grabbed him with a little strength I had left now and locked them behind his neck while feeling his tongue up to my throat. There was a sweet nectar swirling around his mouth which drew me more to him. Butterflies were roaming in my stomach from extreme bliss. 'I finally kissed him' .......

We were really lost in the kiss when suddenly my phone rang from the inside of my pant pockets and I opened my eyes immediately and let go of Phi' Kim. He also moved away but looked a little frowned cause he slightly raised his eyebrows.

Shit! Who the heck is calling now? I swear even if it is hia I will not forgive him. I took my cell out of my pocket and saw the caller is actually phi'Khun. Sigh, this guy just can't leave me alone for a day, can he?

"Hello Khub!"

"Where are you? Come here quickly."

Ya right I knew it...😑

"I can't phi'... I'm a little busy right now."

"Busy with what? Don't try to give lame excuses. Come back so we can watch series. I have already prepared snacks."

What a hindrance!! Only at these kind of times I get really pissed at phi' Khun....he just has no sense of humour. I bet he is gonna make me watch some stupid stuffs again. I like him but right now I want to be with phi' Kim as we may never get a chance like this again.

"No no I really c-can't......."

"Hey stop bugging him and go watch your stupid dramas alone....he is busy got it?"

I couldn't finish my words when phi'Kim came closer to me then put his hand on my shoulder and nearly shouted on the phone. I went silent cause I blushed cause it meant he also wants to be with me.

"K-Kim? You nosy brat...why are you there with Chay? Don't tell me....."

Phi' couldn't finish when Kim just snatched the phone from me and cut the call immediately.

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