Chapter 17

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Note- Sorry for all the inconveniences guys. After what happened to Biu I lost all my motivations to write. I left Wattpad because I couldn't write anything but finally Biu is back so guys once again I decided to write so again sorry for all the wait and uncomfortable feelings. Let's support our Build together. Here you go.......🙏🙏

The devil within (pt-1)


"Is it true that you're getting married?"

"Um week."



(After 30 minutes)

"Okay then Khun Kan, we will report to Khun Korn about this...sorry for the disturbance."

"I'm counting on you head bodyguard...and congratulations."

"Yes thank you sir....have a good night."

Arm bade his regards to Khun Kan and turned to excuse for the day but Macao cut him short.

"Wait! stop phi' Arm....."

Arm turned his head only to find a frustrated but a face almost torn to pieces.

"It's late so you should go inside."

Macao's loony face became more bitter, his feet moved forward in an abnormal pace as his slippers were making slapping sounds continuously. He grabbed Arm's cold wrist.

"How can you do this? After all I told you about my feelings....."

"Koff koff!"

Ken and Big caught on Arm's faint mouth sign and moved away while sneering at each other.

"Ahem! You can let go now."

"I was okay with your ignorance and cold words but marriage? How can I tolerate this?"

Macao was still lingering on Arm's wrist so he had no choice but to remove the hand himself.

"I believe that's none of your business and besides why do I need to consult with you? Just go to your room and don't bother me."

"Why are you so cruel towards me? Because I'm from the minor family? Or...."

"Because you're a brat and I don't think of you any more than that."

"But I do...and I want you to take me seriously...please naa?"

Arm gave a dry smile and walked away. While Macao stood there with a devastated face. His feet lost their will to walk.

"Hey I think you said too much...The brat looks like he's gonna cry."

"Shut up...I meant what I said and he has a better future...I don't wanna ruin it and I can never think of him as my other half ok? He's just a brat.... Let's go."


On the other hand,

"Here dear I brought you dinner...."

"Oh my, why did you bothered? I am fine."

"How can you be? After what that brat did you must be feeling down so I brought your favourite sweet corn soup and mixed fried rice."

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