chapter 1

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                     First Encounter

"Hia"...Chay called softly while walking down the stairs.

It made the big bro flinch in surprise. He turned and saw his little brother gazing at him with a suspicious look.

"You're still awake?? Don't you have morning classes tomorrow?" Porsche said hiding his phone quickly in his left pant pocket.

"Where are you going? It's 12 a.m now" the younger asked.

"W-what are you talking about?"Porsche said while gulping."I'm n-not going anywhere."he gulped again.

"Do you think I'm a fool??I know you go out every night at this time. I was just pretending not to notice. You always come home with bruises. Most of the time you look exhausted. Tell me the truth hia are you involved with some illegal stuff??"

A tear is now already coming out of his eyes.

Seeing his tears the older panicked and ran to him. He hugged his brother and tried to calm him down.

"I know I'm a bad brother but please don't cry,don't hate your brother na?"

"I can never hate you. I just don't want you to go through everything alone. It's already hard enough to take care of me."The little one said in a whimpering tone.

"Since when did you learn to talk like that" ( Porsche said laughing softly )."Don't worry go to sleep I'm fine."

"But....",Porsche cut him off."It's already late, go to sleep I will be back by morning.Now go"

Chay gave a small nod and went to his room and slammed the door.

Porsche gave a sigh and went out. He knows he can't tell the truth for his brother's safety. His brother should just focus on his studies."Shiaa! I'm late"The older quickly put on his helmet and gave a start to his bike quickly and flew away.

Other's p.o.v

"Welcome to 'Wild Street' everyone,let's rock it. We have some special guests tonight."A tall fair guy shouted in the mic with a big smile.

There were loud claps,drinks,people screaming in excitement. All guests were some rich mafias or businessmen or gangsters.

"Come everyone,let's bet. We have our best boy tonight. Oh! there he comes."

All the lights are on the stage. It's now focusing the people on the stage.
The fight starts. Everyone is screaming louder. It's a tough fight. One seems strong with a bulky body and muscles, tall and long hair wearing red silk shorts, while the other one( Porsche )is wearing a black silk shorts with his bare brown chest and gorgeous abs. He is tall with black hair and wears a black mask to cover his face. He was looking more like an Egyptian god, so handsome.  The fight went for a long time and at last the beautiful brown skinned man won the match making the other one fall unconscious on the ground with several wounds. The masked man is already panting heavily. He got some minor wounds on his body and a little one on the corner of his mouth. With a big smile he raised both of his hands and gave a "Woo" sound from his mouth. He got the prize money as promised and went away in a hurry from there. Then he started his bike again and went for another fighting streets.
But he had no idea that he was being watched hungrily by someone,someone really powerful.

KinnPorsche/VegasPete (Love Me Or Die)Where stories live. Discover now