🔞 chapter 4 🔞

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🔞🔞I Hate You🔞🔞

Vegas pov

I was really excited about tonitght. Pete was in the party. I thought phi'Kinn will avoid bringing him here since he thinks I will eat him up hehe.

When I saw Pete I almost attacked him. He was really like a peice of art. He is such a waste on phi'Kinn. I even told brother to give him to me. But he refused. Even the way he ran away that day and now when I approached him he flinched and walked backwards is really so cute. I can see the nervousness in his eyes. He makes me want to tease his body so much until he gives in to me. I was about to ask more about himself when that bastard Wang caught me. He even gave me a drink. I wanted to get away when I saw David, my old friend. So I wasted no time and finished my drink quickly and went away from this old bastard.

David was happy to see me. I was talking about our school times when we were used to be bench mates. But suddenly something happened.

I suddenly felt dizzy. My eyes started to see dark. The loud music of the party echoed in my ears and I couldn't stand properly. I just couldn't figure out what to do.

"Are you okay man? You look pale."

David placed his hand on my shoulder. His touch gave me a shiver. It was like an electric shock all over my body. I was feeling uncomfortable.

"I-I am f-fine." Damn everything was blurry before my eyes.

"You are sweating badly. Do you want to go to a hospital?"

"N-no I-I just need some r-rest."

"Should I call your brother?"

I saw Kinn was busy with Porsche. He is having a good time. Even Kinn is getting blurry. I tried to focus but it was no good.

"N-no don't tell m-my b-brother."

Damn it I can't even form a word properly. I need to get out of here.

"I-I need t-to go now."

"But you are not well. Where are you going?"

"W-w-wash...."I couldn't finish my words as my legs started to shake and I can't even stand now. David caught me before I fell on the ground.

"You are really sick. I'm worried now. Let's go and inform your brother."

"N-no need. I w-will be f-f-fine. I j-just n-need to use t-the w-w-wash r-room."

"Ok let me go with you."

"N-no no you d-dont have to."

I struggled and somehow stood up. David was still holding my shoulder. I let go his hand and went off to the washroom. I couldn't walk properly. I tried to stay focused as much as I could but it's getting bad.

I was on my way to the washroom when I saw that bastard Wang coming towards me again. Not him just not him now. I'm not ready to face him now. He almost caught me again when he was dragged by his friend suddenly. Great now I can go on to the washroom.

My head was spinning now and I was super dizzy. I loosened my tie. I was heading to the bathroom when I saw Pete standing a far from me. He was facing the dance floor and smiling. 'Great' I rushed to him and grabbed his waist from behind. He was startled of course.

KinnPorsche/VegasPete (Love Me Or Die)Where stories live. Discover now