Chapter 19

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Note- Hey guys, been a long time....I forgot to mention one important thing, being very intriguing, this story has male pregnancy. But since it's not an omega verse I'm gonna add some special stuff and I know I'm really late as usual but please be with me because I couldn't have any free time nowadays so I couldn't concentrate.

Another thing that all of Vegas's toxic tortures on Pete is over from now on and let's explore his loving, shy parts too. Of course our main character Pete, I mean Build finally came back so let's support him again and forget all the toxic pasts. Ok enough explanation, let's move to the main part😚😊 ( but that doesn't mean that Vegas will forgive Pete if he does something naughty)


Author's pov,

At the campus cafeteria,

"Here Chay, take this seat."

"Khub phi'..."

Dean and his friends sit on their chairs while Dean purposely draws a chair for Chay to woo him which of course little Chay was totally clueless about.

"So, which faculty are you from? Any club activities?"

Dean took a small sip of his coconut shake as his dirty gaze trailed at Chay.

"I'm from engineering faculty and as for the club I still haven't decided, but I do love music and playing guitar."

Chay who was rather shy to even make any eye contact so he leaned his little spoon towards his plate and took small bites of his meal at which Dean smirked.

"You sure eat like a bird. Are you nervous or something?"

Chay stopped chewing and nodded his head multiple times.

"N-no phi' I'm just not used to eating with someone other than my big brother."

"Oh that's ok. We are all friends here. Besides you moved here today so you don't know but we all always eat together."

Dean gestures at other boys who also giggles and nods their head.

"So? Any idea about faculty clubs or activities?"

"Not yet. I'm still confused about which to join."

"Wow that's great. How about our club? I'm sure we'd love to have such a dedicated one like you."

Dean grabbed Chay's little palms showing fake excitement while he actually wanted to feel his soft skin. Chay being an air head didn't bother to shrug his hands off.


"Don't have to answer now, just think about it. We are the football club so it might be a little tough for that small body but believe me as an all time exercise or fun it's a pretty good club."

Dean's perverted mind was wondering about how small and tight Chay's body is, or how he can nail that small waist and feel that soft alluring body.

"It sounds interesting phi', I'll think about it."

Dean removed his hands and Chay went back to eating.

"What about your family?"

"Khub, I have my big brother and no parents. Hia's been taking care of me since childhood. He pays for my tuition and other extra stuff."

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