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What if Vegas's Pete was exchanged with Ai Ae's Pete?(VP X Love By Chance)

Vegas pov,

"Hmmmm~ such a lovely morning...."

Yesterday Pete and I had a rough night. He was the one who anticipated the first move. Don't know what came into his mind but I frigging loved it. He was so damn sexy, all naked with my semen dripping out of his mouth and moreover that buttery body....My Pete is the best.

"Yawn~....Heh, he's still sleeping?"

Can't blame him. Looking at his desperate hunger I couldn't hold back either and devoured him whole. But why is his face covered with the blanket? I made sure to set the temperature to mild, maybe he was feeling cold....

Whatever, I'll just head to wash myself. I dismissed the alarm so Pete wouldn't wake up by the noise of it. After all those rough exercises he needs to sleep to charge his body so we can have a rough night again.


Oh? He's up? As expected of a bodyguard. But I wouldn't let him go to duty today since he promised to stay the whole day with me. I leaned closer to him and whispered in his soft red ears,

"Are you up baby?"

"Lemme sleep more~"

So sweet. His after sex voice is so tempting. But why does he sound a little different? Probably a sore throat. Crap! I'm hard again. His voice is too sweet and alluring. Since I'm erected again let's have a little fun~

Author's pov,

Vegas touched his dick and slid his fingers into Pete's smooth slippery butt hole. But something felt different. It's like Pete's butt felt a little bigger and even his body was a little more mascular. But Vegas ignored that part and shoved his fingers inside Pete's butt in which Pete flinched.

"Aww? What's wrong? Why are you so rough today?"

"I thought you loved my rough touch?"

"Mmmm~ it hurts, Ai Aeee~..."

"Ai Ae?"

Vegas got confused and jealous at the same time hearing his man moaning out someone else's name while attending Vegas's bed.

"Who's that? Are you seeing someone behind me? Did you slept with him?"

Vegas twitched his brows and smashed fingers roughly, this time really harder.

"Ahhh! What are you doing?"

Pete said and uncovered the blanket and they both freaked out.



Unexpectedly a stranger came out of Vegas's silk blanket. The guy was completely naked but he was as beautiful as Pete, a worthy comparison.

"The fuck are you? What are you doing in my bedroom?"

"That should be my question... Who are you phi'?"

"Phi'? That's lord Vegas for you. Who the heck are you huh?"

"Ai Ae? W-where's Ai Ae?"

"Ai Ae? First speak up who you are...I don't recall bringing you into my bedroom."

"I-I'm Ai Pete..."

KinnPorsche/VegasPete (Love Me Or Die)Where stories live. Discover now