The Bear and The Lamb Beorn x Reader

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Sorry for the long wait lol.

The world is a blur. Flying past you in streaks of green and brown as you ran. You urge your body to run faster. Willing each footfall to reach the earth sooner. To move you forward. To get away from them.

They are all around you. Baying and calling. Yelling for you in dark speech. Their laughter carries in the air.

Cold air fills your lungs. Throat burning as you pull in air. Gasping again and again as your body desperately tries to breathe. Your body shakes with every footfall. A jarring pain shooting from your feet to your hip with each step. The pain is a reminder of what's to come if you were to stop running.

It has felt like an eternity since this all began.

Another cursed yell has you choking on a sob. The Orcs seem to know as if they can feel the fear you so deeply felt.

You have no means to defend yourself. There is no shelter to seek. No aid in this peril you face.

The Valor has abandoned you.

You glide. Feet falling into a mush. Your world turns and you see the sky. Broken bits of blue between green tree tops. A broken curse leaves your lips. The ground had become slick this deep in the forest. Decaying mushrooms and wet leaves littering the ground.

The voices grow closer.

You get to your hands and knees. Clothes and skin caked in dirt and decaying things. You spit. Will your trembling body to move. To stand.

You barely make it up right before your legs are stolen from beneath you. Your head hits the ground hard enough to have you see flashing lights. Your breath leaves your lungs and you cry from it.

You sputter. Choke.

Oh gods. May they have mercy on you for you know that the Orcs will not.

It's face is grotesque as it hovers above you. The smell assaulting your nose before it's face. It's warg sniffs heavily as your chest. Thick drool wets your shirt. Teeth glide across cloth.

You shake. Cry. Tears spilling for all to see. The Orc grins showing blackened teeth against equally dark gums. It's speak is hollow. Holds nothing. Yet it seems to speak with a giddying joy. Akin to a child with a new toy.

You dread whatever cursed thing could have the Orc this joyful. Whatever it could be would surely end in your death. Or worse.

No one imprisoned by the Orcs came back the same. If they lived. Not even the Elves were saved from whatever plague the Orcs brought. As untouchable as the immortals seem.

You hear one of them fall to the ground. Twigs snapping beneath it's feet as it walks to you. A second head joins the first. This time closer. Lower to the ground more level to where you were at.

It pushes the hair from your face. It's sharp nails dance against your skin.

"A meal you will make tonight." The Orc spoke in its tongue. You wish you could understand. To be able to know fate the Gods have given you. The Orc pats your cheek. Grins and holds its hand out to revive something.

Something. You have to do something. You are to weak to move. Body held down by the wargs heavy paw. It's nails dog into your flesh. Razor sharp claws surely spill your blood on the fresh earth.

A flash catches in the scattered light. You look up. See the tops of pines sway in the wind.

You would not meet your ancestors because you were complacent. Because you refused to fight until the end.

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