Lovers Dance Thorin x Reader

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Pairing: Thorin x Reader

Song: Fire on Fire- Sam Smith

Warning: Smut. Like. A lot.

AN: This is my first time writing something like this. If you all like it I'll do more? Any tips or feedback is welcome! This is stupid short. Sorry!

Two bodies were embraced in the dance of lovers. Heavy quilts tangled between legs as they twisted. Calloused hands ran over smoothed thighs. Hands roaming over a broad back as another digs into the bedded dance floor.

Soft sighs was the music playing to keep the two in rhythm. The crescendo gasping moans and quiet pleas for more. The passion once more kicked up with a heavy kiss. Teeth grazing over abused lips as a deep growl picks up the pace.

A trail of heat dragged down her burning body as he placed heavy kisses between heaving breast's. Thorin's long hair brushed over delicate sided as he brought his head down further. Leaving a trail of kisses behind in his decent.

He nipped at trembling thighs before flicking his tongue out to soothe. Thorin's eyed gazed up to look his blushing lover. Y/n's eyes were clouded over in lust. Bruised lips pulled between teeth as they tried not to cry out .

Something Thorin planned to end.

A long stroke of his tongue had them calling out. Whimpering turned to pleading as he fed like a man starved.

His beard scratched against her thighs as he lifted y/n's legs up and over his shoulders. His lips curled into a devious grinned as he listened to his lovers song. The most beautiful sound in the world. It paled all others and had ruined him to any played upon instruments.

Y/n's hand came down to his head. Her fingers lacing themselves amongst his thick curls. Her hips lifting off of the bed as he growled into her his hands coming up to gently tease her.

Her back arched as y/n called out Thorin's name. A wound coil had sprung within her as pleasure racked through her body in waves. Thorin helped y/n ride it out. Not once taking his gaze off of her. He relished in the pretty picture he was painting. An image not even the most skilled artist could recreate.

He rose up from his spot as she tugged on his hair. He licked his lips as he crawled over her. He pulled y/n's legs over his hips as he leaned over her still trembling body. Thorin pulled her into a soft kiss. Her face cupped softly into his hand as he gently eased into her.

His body stilled as y/n wrapped her arms around his neck trailing one hand down his back as she begged him to move.

And move he did.

He rocked back and forward burying his head into her chest. Thorin hissed as he felt y/n's nails dig into his back. He pulled his head up and pressed another kiss to her lips as he rocked forward.

Their breathing intermingled as he pressed his forehead against hers. Noses brushing together as he went in for kiss after kiss.

He could feel her trembling once more. Her song turning into a pleasured filled poem of his name. Her own name fell past his lips and to her ear as he pressed forward again an again.

The beds headboard drummed in tune with their fast paced rhythm. Keeping a steady beat as they cried out in ecstasy.

Thorin bit down softy onto y/n's already bruised color bones as her her hands came to wind up in his hair and clutch onto his shoulders for dear life.

They held for the count of three before collapsing into one another. The rest of their song dying out into the rest of the night.

Thorin rolled to his side and pulled y/n into his chest. He placed a soft kiss to the top of her head as y/n tangled their legs together.

His arms wrapped around her as if to shield from anything that may come. He pulled the thick duvets over the two of them as their sweat soaked bodies shivered in the cool air of the room.

They were content. Tired. And loved.

In the arms of the other was all they would need. Soft kisses and bone rattling pleasure was just a bonus to those who played the dance of lovers.

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