Pull Me Out Thorin x Reader

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Pairing: Thorin x Reader

Song: Train Wreck - Jaymes Authur

Warnings: Angst. Depression. Mild swearing.

AN: This was a request! I hope you all enjoy!

My hands tremble along silken sheets. The color so long faded it's impossible to tell what it once was. Prehaps blue. Maybe a deep green? Did it even matter?

It's been days since i've  left this bed. I no longer had the energy to move about. Something as simple as geting something to eat became the most difficult of tasks. Even more so than facing Smaug.

I turn beneath the sheets and breath in deeply. Smoke clung to these forgotten halls like a scholar to their books. I don't think I could begin to tell you where this hollow feeling began to come from. It could be any number of things. Traped beneath this blasted mountain that I once dreamed of seeing. That I had glorified so much in my own mind that it tore me apart to see what she is becoming. Maybe it was Thorins compleate and utter lack of faith within our burgler. Within Bilbo. Our friend. To think the he would try to kill the one who saved his life not that long ago.

But, as I think more on it. It's probably Thorin himself. The dwarf that I once sought safety and solace from now becoming my most feared foe. He's no longer the kind hearted King I knew.  The man who put the well being of others above his own. Who promised me a life of plenty.

Who promised me a life of love.

What a joke. 

Somebody knocks on my door. What's even the point of answering? The door swings open, rusted hinges squealing in protest. Somebody sighs and a plate scraps across the wooden desk on the other side of the room.

"Lass?" So they sent Dwalin this time. I don't answer. Instead choosing to roll over to my side and peer at him from beneath the covers. He shakes his head and walks over to the bed. "You have to eat lassie. Please. " I snort and cover my head. It quickly grows hot beneath the blankets. The bed dips as he sits down. A large hand rests on my shoulders. Heavy and warm even through the blankets. I want to scream at him to go away and to stay at the same time.

"You're worrying us girl." He breaths heavly and shakes my shoulder. "Please. Just. Just eat." The bed shifts as he gets up. His hand with it.  I hear him leave and the door slamming shut. 




Dwalin comes out from that room with a million and one worries. Each one worst than the last. A shuddering sigh comes from him as he runs his hand through his beard. Balin is quick to go to his side. 

"Well, brother?" Dwalin shakes his head and begins to storm off. 

"That poor girl is only getting worse with each passing day. For Mahal's sake! She hasn't ate in almost a week. She hasn't left that blasted room for longer." Balin is almost running to keep up with his brothers longer strides at this point. "She isn't even speaking! Y/n might as well be a dead woman walking." His voice softens as his anger leaves him. Fear filling him as he thinks about one of the few good things The Company has coming to an end. 

She had compleatly changed from the happy go lucky thing that they picked up in Hobbiton. A smile for each and every one of them. A listening ear for those who needed to spill their woes. And a steady place to rest for any of them who felt themselves falling in the world. Always ready to make room in her day to make them happy. 

Even if it ment giving hers away.

It's time they returned the favour. He knew exactly who to go to, and hopefully, he would be able to pull his own head out of his ass. 

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