Dance me to the end of love Fili x Reader

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Pairing: Fili x Reader
Song: Dance me to the end of love - The civil war
An: This was the very first fic I wrote for the Hobbit 😄

set upon her thoughts and so she fell into a restless sleep.

The breaking branches and loud voices is woke her in the early morning light.

#the hobbit#to the heavens#reader centered#let me know what you think!#hobbit fanfiction... See all

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Dance me to the end of love.


Thank you. For giving me the courage to do this. This ones for you.

It was late at night as The Company snored away. A few letting loose muffled murmurs as they slumbered on. I shiver as I draw my blanket over my shoulders, watching the cackling fire and its showers of shimmering orange. Sighing, I let my gaze wander over to tonight's victim of the night watch. Bombur. Poor Dwarf is passed out cold. Standing up with an extra blanket in hand I make my way over to him as quietly as I could. As I lay the blanket over him a head pops up from a mass of limbs and blankets. Its still too dark to tell who it is and hopefully they'll-

"Y/N?" Damn. No such luck.

"Yes Fili?" I make my way back over to the log I had been leaning against, watching as he tries to gently remove himself from his brother. Kili then grumbles, rolls over, and steals Fili's covers. The blond dwarfs only response is to roll his eyes and come to sit down next to me.

"Why are you still up lass?" His eyes holding nothing but concern. I shrug and gaze back into the fire. If I am to be honest; I don't know why I'm up. He places a large hand on my shoulder. "You can tell me anything y/n." His touch sends shivers through my spine. Giving him a soft smile I responded.

"I'm fine Fili. I promise." I shake my head. "Sometimes you just can't sleep. It happens to the best of us." He shakes his head, not entirely convinced as he leans against the log.

Fili pulls his pipe out, frowning as he catches sight of a snoring Bomber. The Dwarfs chin shoved into his chest as he mumbles quietly to himself. "Uncle will want to have a word with him if he catches Bombur sleeping like this." He fills his pipe and lights it.

"Not if we watch for him. Im sure Thorin would understand." Smoke drifts out from between his lips as he answers back.

"I suppose it could not hurt to let him sleep." The smoke create a hazy cloud around his head as the moonlight filters through it. I shift my gaze skywards, watching the twinkling of the stars. A blanket of black dappled in white. The moon hangs high over head, full as it continues its trek across the sky. I sigh, listening to Fili's quiet puffs of breath as he drags on his pipe.

"You know what I miss?" I ask, breaking the silence that hand fallen around us. He shakes his head, the clasps on his moustache dancing as his lips curl upwards.

"No. I do not." Another puff of smoke. "Would you care to enlighten me?" I grin and reach for my phone in my pack. Amazing that it has lasted this long. And that Nori has not yet tried to steal it.

"My music." I wait for it to turn on, internally praying to all the Gods in Middle Earth that it still has some battery left. "I mean. I love the music here but." I sigh and give my head a little shake. "I miss the music from my world. Its a small comfort I suppose." Fili watches, fascinated as I place in the password and go straight to my music. I turn the volume up as loud as I dare and hit shuffle. Placing it to the side as Wine and Poison begins to play. I hum along as I think back to how I got here. I was taking a walk through the woods as it happened. A flash of white light. Girlish screams. A flying shoe.

The music stops and changes as Fili puts his pipe out and empties it. He sets it off to the side and arches a brow as I get a Cheshire like grin on my face. Swaying a little as the begging cords to the new song begins to play. "This ones my favorite." I tell him as if I were stating a very serious fact. He chuckles as he brings a leg up, resting an arm upon it as he asks me.

"What would this one be called then?" My cheeks begin to burn.

"Uh." I fumble with my hands, shivering as my blanket falls from my shoulders. "D-Dance me to the end of love." I clear my throat. "Its by a group of people called The Civil War." I tell him in time for the first verse to come flowing through.

Dance me to your beauty with a burning violin Dance me through the panic 'til I'm gathered safely in Lift me like an olive branch and be my homeward dove And dance me to the end of love Please dance me to the end of love

I shift and squirm In my seat as Fili laughs to himself. He stands up and offers out a hand. The other folded behind his back as he leans foward a little. "May I have this dance?"

Oh let me see your beauty when the witnesses are gone Oh let me feel you moving like they do in Babylon

My face is red. I just know it. I place my hand in his. Momentarily weightless as he pulls me forward.

Oh show me slowly what I only know the limits of And dance me to the end of love Please dance me to the end of love

He leads me into the grassy field. Stopping as he places his hands on my hips. My hands quickly find themselves linked together behind his neck. My fingers gently tangled in his hair. And so, we dance. We spin, I twirl, he dips me low and brings me close to his chest. Close enough for me to smell the tobacco and woodsmoke etched into his cloths. Close enough for me to hear his beating heart. Close enough for our breathing to intermingle. And far enough to get lost in each others gaze as the works become a blur around us. Dance me to the wedding now, dance me on and on

"Y/N?" We spin together before he brings us to a stop. His hands never losing their place.

"Yes?" He smiles softly.

"I want to tell you, I want you to know." He stops and shakes his head. His gaze tracing over my face before falling onto the ground. "I have tried to find a way to tell you this for the longest time now." His face scrunches in frustration as he struggles to find what he wants to say.

And dance me very tenderly and dance me very long

His face softens as he tilts his head. One hand coming up to cup the side of my face.

We're both of us beneath our love, and both of us above

I lose my breath as he leans in. Capturing my lips with his own. Slowly becoming more passionate as my hands tangle in his hair as I push back. His other hand pushing at the small of my back to bring me in closer. Tasting of pipeweed and the sweets he was eating after dinner.All to soon he pulls away. Both of us are red cheeked and breathless in the end.

And dance me to the end of love Won't you dance me to the end of love

I grin like a loon. Quietly giggling as our heads rest together. "I think I would answer yes to that." I chase after another kiss. All simple, sweet, and full of innocence. He grins against my lips and pulls back mere inches.

"Will you dance with me till the end of love?" We begin to spin once more. A chaste kiss as I spin away before being trapped against his chest.

"Till the ends of time my dear."

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