I See Fire ( Vent )

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Song: I see fire - Ed Sheeran

Warnings: I know a lot of us are going through the fires going through Oregon, California and Washington right know and it's probably the last thing you want to read about right now. So im just letting you all know that this is what this story is about.

An: Speaking of which, this is one long vent of a story. I'm in one of those states currenlty on fire. And i've been nothing but an anxitey filled mess for the last week. This is just my way of trying to calm down. I'm considering myself lucky. The fires haven't quite reached where im at. They're insanly close though and every so often keep on getting pushed back. But it's driving me insane. I seriously cannot see the mountain right across where I live. It's compleatly shrouded in smoke. I'm safe. My family is safe. And i'm thankfull for that.

I hope all of you stay as safe as you possibly can.

Ash fell from the sky like snow. Blanketing the world around us in a sea of grey. Smoke filtered through trees and hung high in the air. Smothering us with each aching breathe. It's all we could smell anymore. Smoke. It clung to us like a promise made to be broken.

The only thing we could see as well. It obscured towering mountains and once green trees. It made the sky cry red. Like some sick joke. As if we already weren't in a living hell. It filled our lungs with ash and laughed when we choked.

Our days were filled with fear and trepidation. The promise of fire just around the corner. Our livelyhoods hung in a delicate balance. Any moment we could be forced away from our homes with whatever we could carry. With nothing more than memories of past lives.

We could only hope and pray that we wouldn't end up like everyone else.

That our last memories of home won't be that of dancing flames swallowing our houses. Of our lives.




My body shook as I jolted awake. My hands trembling as I place them over my pounding heart. I breathe in deeply. Cool mountain air filling my lungs. I almost cried then. It wasn't that long ago that I was there. Home. In a world of never ending smoke.

None of the Company knew that. All they knew was I was just some kid that was tagging along. I don't know what magic brought me but I know I will make it send me back. As long as my family is stil there I will not stop fighting. Each day has been filled with anxiety and worry. I'm scared for them. It's not fair that i'm safe here. Well. Relativly safe. As much as I can be with the impending doom of Orcs and other beasts that make thier home in this world.

I sit up and draw my blanket tightly over my shoulders. Wiping away a few tears that slipped past as I breathe in deeply once more. The only thing I have been thankful for since coming here. Fresh air. Free from smoke and ash.

"Y/n?" I glance up as Bilbo sits in front of me. I take the cup he offeres to me. It's some type of tea. Sweet on my tongue with a minty aftertaste.

"Ya?" I take another drink.

"Are you okay, my dear?" He tilts his head to the side. Blonde curls fall softly and catch in the early morning light. I smile. Or at least try to.

"I'm fine Bilbo. Just thinking." He reaches out with a hankerchief. Softly, as if though he were scared to hurt me, he brushed away tears I hadn't known had fallen. He shakes his head.

"Something tells me that it's quite the opposite." He sits to the side of me and pats my knee. "You can talk to me. The others are sleeping and whatever you say will stay between us. That much I can promise." He takes a drink of his own tea. "Me an you are quite the outsiders here and I think we should stick together. Don't you think?"

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