Kiss it better? Dwalin x Reader

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Paring: Dwalin x reader

Warning: None really. Its all fluff.

Song: If I lost my eyes - The White Buffalo. (Should I include this?)

Khuzdul: Amrlime - my love. Kurdu- Heart. Kurdun- man of my heart.

Authors note: I kinda have a bad migraine so i'm just writing this till the ibuprofen kicks in. And I'm wondering if you would all like if I include what song I'm listening to when I write?

The pain in your head increased ten fold when you made the foolish decision to move. Wanting to do nothing more than cry you reach for the pillow on the other side of the bed and flop it onto your head. The pressure was unbearable causing stars to dance behind your eyelids. You breathe in heavily and let out all of the air in your lungs in some last ditch hope that it would release the pain in your head.

You curl up tighter drawing your knees into your chest. You could hear chattering outside of the bedroom door. Two deep voices grating against your ear. The sound not to unlike drawing nails against a chalk board. A door opens and closes and all you could hear was heavy foot falls and the rustling of fabric.

"Amarlime?" You could hear Dwalin's voice just outside of the door. Speaking of which you wince as you hear the old iron hinges squeal and the scrapping of wood against wood as the door opens. "Y/n?" He quickly comes to the side of the bed and rests a hand on you blanket covered hip.

"Y/n? What wrong Kurdu?" He gently takes the pillow off of your head and takes in your disheveled appearance. "It appears that today has not been as kind to you as it has been for me." He runs a finger down the side of your face gently tracing the curve of your lips and the bottom of your jaw. You rest your hand on his.

"Give me a moment Kurdu." He pulls away and you once again curl up. You listen as he roams around the room pulling curtains closed and blocking out the bright light from outside. He leaves the room and you could hear running water and a little bit of cursing as something clatters to the floor.

He's back again and something cool is being set against your forehead. You could hear the opening and closing of drawers.

"Where are those damned pills?" You mutter something.

"What Kurdu?" You breathe in and wince. The words sounding like a heard of elephants running through your head.

"No more. Forgot to get more." He sighs. The bed dips down on one side and the covers gently pulled off. His warm body engulfs you as he carefully pulls you into his arms. One arm curled behind your head the other wrapped around your waist as his hand comes up to rub between your shoulders. His fingers gently run through your hair. You had taken down the braids and the bun it was in earlier. The weight of it, as weird as it seems, had caused you pain as well.

"Kiss it better?" You mutter into his chest. Dwalin chuckles. You often asked that of him for any minor cut or bruise you got. You swore his kisses were like magic. Making anything feel all the better. Fili and Kili, being as mature as they were, had pretended to gag the first time they saw you ask him this.

You felt warm lips press against your forehead, you cheek, the tip of your nose. He gave a breathy laugh as he pressed kisses into your eyelids and along your jaw.

"Better Amarlime?" You pulled him a little closer tangling you legs into his.

"Yes Kurdun." You gave him a kiss in return and could almost already feel the pain melting away.

"M' sorry." You mutter. Dwalin pressed another kiss to your cheek.

"For what?" He asked.

"For doing this all the time. I know it's probably the last thing you want to do right now." You opened your eyes for the first time since he came here. Dwalins' hand came up and cupped the side of your face. His eyes looked intensely into your own.

"Kurdu, Amarlilme. I would not be much of a husband if I could not do something as simple as help you. I made a promise to be with you through sickness and through health." His thumb brushed away a stray tear.

"I will love you no matter what. You are strong for having to deal with this. Besides, if you can handle me after a hangover i'm sure you can handle this." He kisses your forehead. "And remember. I'm with you every step of the way."

He pulls the covers over the bother of you and you rest your head just below his chin.

"Rest now."

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