It's My Book Stick.

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Pairing: N/A slight Dwalin x reader. If ya squint.

Song: Fare thee well - Rob Benedict

Warnings: Guns and violence. Swearing.

An: I don't really hear all that often about guns being used in fics. Much less for the Hobbit so I was really surprised, and happy, to find this prompt. Everything I talk about here is about my experiences with shooting guns. And if yall do decide to shoot guns in real life please do so properly and safely! I'm not to hapy with the ending but I do hope you all enjoy!

It was no secret that my weapon of choice was a strange one in this world. It wasn't an axe or sword. Hell, it wasn't even a bow or whatever that pig sticker Bifur had. Not that i'm saying it as a bad thing. I've seen that dwarf send that thing flying at least two foot ball fields in distance. I sure as hell didn't want to be on the receiving end of that thing either.

When I had tried to explain to Thorin what it was exactly I think I confused him more than if I had told him it was a firework cannon. I mean. I did tell him that but still. I panicked when he decided it was okay to walk circles around me an look at me as if I were a snack.

So it stayed slung across my back and cleaned anytime it rained or drizzled. And no matter how many times I had told Kili that it was not a toy he still tried to get me to shoot it, or him. Or he tried to see if he could sneak it away. Oh lord had I torn into him over that one. I wasn't even pissed. Just disappointed. I figured if anyone could understand the importance of respect for weapons it would be him. Or at the very least something in the back of his mind. Some past lesson instilled into him by Thorin.

But, even as I ran the oiled rag up and down the barrel, I could feel his heated gaze on me.

"Please y/n? Just once." I huffed and laid the rifle across my lap.

"I've said it once and i'll say it again Kili. No." I ran my fingers over the wooden action. It was a 270 Winchester pump. And its been in my family for years. I only had four bullets in the gun and eight more in my pocket. I sure as hell wasn't going to waste one that could be the difference between me seeing tomorrows sunrise or me six feet under.

"Leave her be Kili. As strange as it is I think its best if we left her to it." I smiled fondly. Fili was a good kid. Well. I gave him a small smile. He was good when he wanted to be. Kili huffed.

"I just want to know what makes it so special!" I rolled my eyes. Dwalin rumbled to my left.

"Aye lass. I'd have to agree with the boy. It's strange. I'll give it that. But what proof do you have that its not some silly little toy" I just glared at him as I leaned the gun against the log I was sitting on.

"I'd show you but I don't think bullets are in high supply here Dwalin. So please, forgive for not showing you. I'd rather wait for a time i'd need to use it. And I hope that a time like that will never come." He gave a nod of his head and went back to sharpening his axes. I felt a little bad though. Truly. Dwalin had been the most invested in it before Kili was. The older dwarf wanting to learn about a weapon he had never seen before, about something that would give him a better edge in protecting the ones he loved. I respected that. I had a feeling though that if Dwalin was from my world, he would be a bit of a gun nut judging from his extensive knowledge of the weapons of this world.

Thorin called it a night soon after that. Giving me a firm nod as he went to his spot on watch. Oh thank god. I'd give him a kiss if I could. I rolled my bed roll out on the least lumpy spot on the ground I could find and laid my gun next to me and out of the dirt. One hand resting on it as I slept.




Ya'll remember how I told you I would really rather not have to use my gun. Seeing as how the most I did with it was hunt. And if I had to use it here then it meant my life was endanger. Yaaa..

We were currently ass deep in Wargs and Orcs. Loud laughter and jeering calls sounded out from behind us. Promises of death and pain. I already had the pain part handled though. With my legs threating to give out with every step and my lungs screaming for air.

My gun smacked harshly against my back and I prayed to every god out there that the makeshift sling I hand would hold until we got to saftey. Because there was no way in hell i'd be able to shoot straight and run at the same time.

Dwalin kept on making passing glances at me. The old warrior pulling me along just a little further. Just a little more. Past that bend. We would be safe soon. His words the only solace in my fear scattered mind.

When he stopped I almost crashed into his back. Only to have him swing his arm in front of me and push me against a giant bolder. I tried to quiet my breathing as much as I could. Squeezing my eyes shut as I heard the warg above us breath in heavily. I my hunt. I may fish. And I may play a little to much Call Of Duty but holy hell does it mean a world of difference when you watch wide eyed as your freinds beat a warg and orc to death. Sure, it the enemy.

It still makes my stomach hurt to hear anything suffer.

Dwalin pushes on my back with a blood covered hand to keep moving. And move I do. Everything within a few miles heard us and is now on our heels. To soon were surrounded. Dwalin and Thorin stand on either side of me. As if to protect me. Just a few more seconds before any harm could come to me.

I swear as I watch an Orc come a bit to close to Fili. And swear again as I just realized we've come to a full stop.

"Fuck this." I mutter and pull my gun over my sholder. Handing my pack to Dwalin I tell him. "Hold this." And jack a shell into the chamber.

I twist my hips and bring the but of the gun firmly to my shoulder. Breathing slowly I raise the gun up and rest my cheek against the wood. My finger clicks the safety back an rests well above the trigger. Never put your finger on the trigger until your ready to shoot.

I zero in on one of the closer orcs. Just on his chest. Away from any metal. I aint missing shit.

I breathe in slowly and release as I slowly pull down on the trigger. The world seems to slow around me.

The pin hits and the bullet fires. Everything comes to a stop and the Orc drops to his knees. Without thinking I jack in another shell, aim, and shoot three more times before I run out.

"Malhal." I hear someone beside me. Taking the clip out I load in four more bullets, put it back in and repeat until I feel someone pulling on my shoulder. I put the saftey back on and follow after a stunned Dwalin.




The only thing I could think of was that this whole things was super akward. None of the Dwarves spoke to me as we all settled down to eat later. Until Dwalin turned to me an said.

"So. That's a gun?" Tilting my head to the side, a little confused, I said.

"Ya? And?" He barked out in laughter and smacked his hand against the table.

"That's big weapon for someone like you." Choosing to try not be a little offended by that I just shrugged my shoulders.

"It was my dad's before he passed it down to me. Guns are quite commen where i'm at. Its the type of weapons we use instead of swords and bows." I took a drink of wine and continued. "I've grown up using them. Ever since I could hold one i've been shooting them." Kili grinned.

"That was amazing though!" And that's when it started.

"You make for a fine fighter y/n!"

"Truly amazing!"

"Do you think you could tell us how to make one?"

"How do they work?'

"Could we use those for defending Erebor?"

"What else could it do?"

"Can I try?"

Oh god. I was in for a long night.

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