Lost Thorin x Reader

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Pairing: Thorin x reader

Song: Leave a light on- Tom Walker

Warnings: None.

An: Should I be working on another fic? Maybe. Did I? Absolutely not. Enjoy this little midnight drabble brought to you by my last two brain cells.😂 But really. I hope y'all like this!

I have lived and died a thousand times and still I cannot hope to live again as long as you breathe.

That senseless primal feel that takes ahold when I am near you. The sense of lost time falling past my fingers.

I have watched a hundred sunrises yet I have not seen a beauty that holds a flame to your light. The sun could never share your gentle glow. It could never outshine your beauty.

I am a damned man when I lay my eyes upon you.

For you make me wish to sin in the most unforgivable way.

I wish to make you sing into the heaven's and my name to be your muse.

I never thought I could feel a love this strong. To have such a roaring beast rear it's head when I see you in the arms of another man.

I know that the fault lies within me.

I am old. My hands covered in past blood. An angry God rests on my shoulders.

How many times must I let the words stick behind abused lips.

How hard is it to say?

"I love you."

Three simple words that leave this warrior scared to strike the next blow.

I could not began to tell you how my heart pounds when you are near. The way it threatens to beat from my chest just to tell you how easily you could have it.

And how you already do.

Placed so delicately within waiting palms.

Waiting for you to praise it or cast it aside.

Y/n how do I tell you that you are the most captivating in a room full of gold and gems.

How do I tell you that you are the only treasure that I wish to keep. Locked safely within my trembling arms. For you hold the key. And I will not let you be held back against your will.

I am lost within you.

You are every waking thought within my day.

You are the face I see painted upon portrait of past queens. Yours is the voice I hear on the singing harp. Yours is the eyes I see within twinkling gems within my rusted crown.

If you knew of the power you held to bring this man to his knees and sing his praises before you.

Would you use me?

Or would you allow me the joy of bringing me to my feet and breathing new life into me.

I have lost a thousand nights thinking of you. Wishing and yearning for you to be at my side.

And I think that now is the time.

With you out in the open field. Bare feet burried deeply within the soft earth. And your beckoning call and sinful smile.

I think now is the time to tell you.

"Y/n. I love you."

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