Muse Thorin x Reader

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Pairing: Thorin x reader

Song: Hello my old heart- The oh Hello's

Warnings: none

AN: Since I still can't link specific posts on Tumblrs mobile app I'm going to reblog the inspired post above or below this one. I hope ya guys like this one! An thank you for letting me use this idea!

She sat firmly on the wet and worn log. Hunched over as she dutifully scribbles in a well loved journal. Long languid strokes of charcoal on pure white paper.

The fire crackles softly next to her. The only source of light to be had late in the night.

It had been a long day. Thorin had pushed then farther than he had in a while. Eager to go up and over the large hill.

Tired, exhausted, and wanting nothing more to go to sleep.

What a good time to draw a dwarf.

She has already nearly gotten them all. Fili and Kili laughing. Highlighted by the setting sun. Bilbo and Balin smoking their pipes and faces alight with bright smiles.

And of course there was Dwalin. His great form swinging down an battle-axe. Well he was just chopping wood as she drew it but who said you couldn't use a little imagination.

But here she was. Swaying in her seated position. Eyes softly drooping. And finally drawing the last dwarf in her collection.


The firelight casted soft shadows across his face. Rounding off usually sharp edges. He was talking quietly to Dwalin. His head bowed low with his pipe between his lips. The occasional bellow of smoke would curl past his lips and frame his face. Creating a hazy cloud around him.

Y/n switched pencils. Using a thicker one in attempt to shade in. She swiped her finger in loose waves up the paper. The start of the swirling smoke.

She glanced up and back down again. Quickly going from paper to Thorin and back. One more glance up and

"Hey! Move back!" The bemused look on both Thorin's and Dwalin's face was one of the most amusing things she had seen all day.

Ignoring her Thorin moved in closer to his cousin.

Y/n grabbed a pebble at her feet and threw it at Thorin.

"Lass! I" She cut Thorin off.

"I'm trying to draw you! But I can't do that if you keep squirming around like that." Y/n hadn't notice the dying chatter around the fire. Or in that she ignored it.

Thorin's while body lit up then. A soft smile splaying on a normally dour face. Y/n was gathering up the pencils that had fallen from her lap when she had picked up the small rock. She hadn't seen the way Thorin's chest puffed out in pride. Or the way his eyes glittered in the fire light as he threw Dwalin a mischievous grin.

Y/n with pencil in hand, began to direct Thorin on where to move.

"Move your head a bit. Down a little. Tilt your shoulders back and. There!" She had his undivided attention.

Thorin couldn't help but study the race of the one that had held his affections for so long now. A free pass he couldn't give up.

He took note of the gentle arch in her lips. Soft and a full rosy red. The glow her body seem to hold. So large and full of life. Y/n's lip darted out to wet her lips before she caught it between her teeth.

Her eyes lifted up to look at him. He swore she held gems behind her lashes. Gorgeous hues catching in the fires red light. His chest filled up with warmth. Proud of the fact that she chose him for her craft. Not knowing she had held the same affections for him as he did her.

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