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Love Don't Die - The Fray

"It's a rainy day in Edinburgh, so what are we doing today?" Calum says, after everyone finishes their breakfast. The weather is really not to his liking, but that's what they get for living in Scotland. The only ones who don't mind are Luke and Cory, because Luke loves rain and Cory loves Luke. "And don't say cycling, cause it's summer and I won't let Cory get sick again," he says, pointing at Luke. Last year, he insisted on going cycling in June for Cory's birthday, which resulted in all of them catching a cold, and they had to pass their exams with a fever while also looking after Cory.

"But it was so fun." both Cory and Luke whine. They love spending time together, especially if they're doing something Calum doesn't approve of.

"No." Calum shakes his head. As much as it was fun for him too, he can't risk it. Luke says that Calum takes being a parent too seriously sometimes, but honestly, what does he know? He's an only child, and his only parenting is looking after Petunia, but to be honest, he is good at it: he takes her to regular vet check-ups, controls what and how much she eats, tries to play with her outside when she clearly just wants to go home.

"We'll go cycling some other time, buddy. Without Calum, cause he's boring." Luke whispers to the boy, and he giggles.

"I heard that, and I do not agree with the boring part."

"Of course you don't." Luke rolls his eyes.

"Luke, why don't you look for a job? It'll give you money, and you will be doing something actually productive." Luke goes through different jobs even faster than through relationships. And not in a way that he's good at everything, but in a way that he's scared to commit to just one job. He's already chosen a profession-or, more like, it chose him. He was obsessed with photography as a teen, so when Calum suggested they both become cinematographers, he gladly agreed. It's something he's already good at and doesn't need to learn it from scratch. "Let's make a resume together. They just taught us that at university. The one dropped out of. " Calum suggests, opening his laptop. He still hopes Luke will come back to university, because it's been lonely without him. He has a few groupmates he gets along with, but they're not his best friends and will never be.

"Ooh, I love money." Luke immediately gets excited. "Drop out of uni, Cal." he smiles. He doesn't mean it, but he loves messing with Calum.

"I'm not like you, Luke. I'm not some cool cameraman that worked with Edinburgh Film Company, and now everyone wants me." Calum sighs. Luke is a lucky person, in many ways, and Calum would be lying if he said he wasn't jealous of that. Luke rarely prepares for anything, but somehow he always passes the test, gets the jobs or gets away with a lie he told his parents. Working with one of the biggest movie production studios in the city was also pure luck for him. It's not that he's not talented, but there were definitely people who worked for it more. When he was sitting in the queue for the interview, he was probably the only one not nervous. All these people were going through their portfolios again and again, while he was just on his phone. It's his best tactic, though. When he got his first job rejection in his first year of university, he was devastated-no exaggeration. He was already drinking at the time, but this just knocked him down completely. Cory would rarely hug him because of the alcohol smell, and if it weren't for Sierra, who said that she would drink every time Luke did, therefore getting drunk and skipping classes herself - he doesn't know if he had gotten out of it. He doesn't mind ruining his own life, but Sierra is his closest friend, and he would do anything for her, even if it meant facing his emotions.

"Ooh, come on, I worked with them for a TV show; it wasn't even that big. And not everyone wants me." he responds. He can never admit he's good at something, even though he's good at many things, whether it's a sport or something creative.

i love you, but.. // lierraWhere stories live. Discover now