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Kiss Me - Jason Walker

As they're driving back, the snowing gets even heavier, and Luke is genuinely mesmerized. He loves the quiet of winters, he loves how heavy but lightweight it feels at the same time. He loves getting so cold that he stops feeling his body, and he can be numb both physically and mentally. It makes him realise how small he is in this world, and how his mind is all that actually exists.

He slows the car a bit, and starts driving in a new for Sierra direction. When she asks him where they're going - because it's definitely not to either of their flats - he just shrugs and tells her to wait. If it was any other guy, she'd be freaking out, but it's Luke and he would never put her in danger. So she just relaxes in the passenger seat and looks out of the window.

"Is that John Knox's house?" she says as they're driving along a narrow street and she sees an old building with a "JOHN KNOX HOUSE" sign. She recognizes it from her history class. "I hate that guy." she sighs, and Luke tries to look like he understands what she's talking about. "He hated women so much, especially royal women. What a freak."

Luke still doesn't give away his absence of knowledge on the topic, and just agrees with her by calling him a moron. They drive further and further, and Sierra understands they're going a little bit out of town. Luke turns right from the road and stops the car as they reach a forest.

"So what, you're kidnapping me now?" Sierra says, getting out of the car. It keeps on snowing, and she can't stop looking at the snowflakes that land on Luke's curls.

"You said you'd let me kidnap you, so I'm taking the chance." he smiles at her and she can't really believe he remembers it. She said this more than half a year ago, and he remembers. He comes up to her, getting her into a hug, and leans in to kiss her when she starts giggling suddenly. "What?"

"It's gonna be our fifth kiss, right?" she says, and looks up at Luke only to see him frowning, but smiling.

"You're counting?" he chuckles.

Sierra buries her face in her hands, "It's so embarrassing, I'm sorry." she chuckles too.

"It's not."

"Come on." she mumbles into his chest.

"Alright, it is, but who cares." he laughs. "We're alone here, so the only ones who've heard you say this were me and maybe some deer or wolves or whatever they have in this forest."

"Wolves?" she grips his arms tighter, looking around.

"They're not gonna judge you."

"Come on, Luke." she whines. "Are there really wolves here? "

"No, I was joking." he smiles at her, and of course she doesn't believe him.

"Were you?" she tilts her head.

"Let's stand here for a moment in complete silence and you'll hear that there's no one here, okay?"

Sierra nods and they just stand in a middle of a forest, completely silent, looking up and watching the snow fall down. Luke holds her hands, playing with her fingers slightly, and she feels like she's never been calmer in her life. The world is so quiet now just for the two of them. A few minutes later they hear a branch break, and Sierra looks up at Luke immediately.

"What was that?" she whispers, scared to speak up.

"Shh," he says, looking somewhere past her. "It's a bunny." she softens immediately. "If we walk really quietly and get down, it might not even notice us." Luke says, and she nods at him.

Sierra turns around very slowly so to not make any noise, and they both sit down behind the nearest bush and just watch the scene. Everything goes well until they get hit by a bunch of snow from the branches above of a tree next to them. Sierra squeaks and Luke covers her mouth to keep her quiet and to not scare the bunny.

i love you, but.. // lierraWhere stories live. Discover now