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Anger boiled within me. How fucking dare he do that to Erica? I was going to kill him when I see him, that nasty motherfucker. Erica broke down in my arms and I felt helpless, what could I possibly do that could make this better? I couldn't go in time and take the hurt away and that broke me, seeing the hurt in her eyes broke me. She had just got the biggest victory ever and he had to take that away, that prick.

I don't care what it takes, I will make sure he does not live another day. After a while, Erica fell asleep in my arms and I lay her on the couch and put a blanket over her, while I called Levi to ask him about the phone call.

I dialed Levi's number and he finally picked up after what seemed like forever. "Levi, that guy that called about Erica, could I have his number?" I persisted. "Mateo, I don't mean to freak you out but there's a gift for Erica at reception and I think it's from him. I opened it to make sure it wasn't harmful and it looks like he really wants her back." Levi explained and I closed my eyes, praying this was some kind of joke.

My anger was rising and I glanced back at Erica, who was sleeping peacefully, who could hurt an angel like her? "Can I have his fucking phone number please, Levi?" I growled. "Yeah, yeah sure, I just texted it to you but Mateo, be careful please. This guy's dangerous and Erica still needs you." Levi warned me, "Yeah whatever. Thanks Levi." I said before hanging up.

Levi was right about one thing, Erica still needed me and I can't lose her. With hesitation, I dialed the number Levi sent me, the ringtone deafening, making my heart thump faster. A voice boomed through my phone "Hello, who is this? Carter speaking." I swallowed the lump in my throat. "I'm Erica's boyfriend, Mateo Willis, I work in the building you dropped your bullshit at and I'm here to warn you to stay away from Erica." I demanded. He chuckled, "Erica's quite an angel, why would I stay away from her?" This made me angry, very angry. "Fuck you, stay away from Erica, or I will make sure you do." With this I hung up the phone and rubbed my neck roughly.

What if I couldn't protect her? What if he got to her and that was my fault? What if I was only making this worse? I don't know what to do, I'm scared that he'll get to her and I don't know what to do.

I sat down next to Erica, stroking her hair and her face gently, this poor darling. What was I supposed to do? I couldn't lose her. This guy has some sick fucking obsession with her and it made me angry that anyone would even think about doing something like that to someone so innocent.

More anger boiled in my blood as I realised what Erica said, no one had believed her. What was wrong with people? If it was that shitty mother of hers, I will personally go back and do more then just slap her. Had her brothers not been able to protect her? Had she told them? Why didn't they help her? Why would no one help her or believe her? This is bullshit.

I felt like an idiot for leaving her back then, if we hadn't have broken up, this would never have happened. That motherfucker would've never taken advantage of her and everything would be okay, but no I fucked that up too.

Looking back, Erica always had a rough life, I understand how much family can hurt you. Always being compared, always being overlooked, having to meet up to standards and pretending to be someone else not to disappoint anyone. Having to watch as someone that isn't working as hard as you to be amazing, succeed over you. It stings like hell and it's like a fresh knife in my back. If you think about it, once something new comes in, you're irrelevant. This would be like when my baby brother came into this world, no one gave a fuck about me, it was all about him.

Regardless of my family history, Erica shouldn't have to go through this. The things I would do, to transfer the pain to me, I'd honestly do anything. As Erica slept, she rolled around a few times, clearly in a panic. I held her tight and she stopped moving but I felt horrible for her. How must it feel to struggle that much and have no one to tell and if she did, have no one to believe her?

I had made up my mind about what to do. I would be by Erica's side every minute, she would sleep at my house and I would come to every court case and meeting with her. I can not risk this weirdo getting a hold of her.

Erica woke up from her sleep, staring at me confused. She suddenly realised everything that had just happened wasn't a nightmare. "It's really happening, isn't it?" She asked. "Yeah, it is, don't worry though, I'm going to be with you every second and every moment, nothing can happen to you." I promised.  "I'd say you're protecting me then?" She added. "I've got to protect my future wife, haven't I?" She nodded but I could tell she was still nervous.

I hugged her waist, bringing her closer into me, I'm not the best at comforting but I was giving it a shot. I didn't notice this at first, but whenever Erica was anxious, she drew circles on the palms of my hands and it almost soothed me, I guess. 

"Considering we're going to be spending a lot of time together, I want to know more about you, you already know a lot about me so tell me about your family?" She pleaded. I gulped, the subject I hate talking about the most, my family.

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