The Big Question

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As our hands interlocked, I felt safe in his arms. Looking back, my life was really not complete without him, it was sort of like our necklaces, without the "M" side of the heart, the "E" side wouldn't be complete.

I remember all those times as a kid, I dreamed of a love fantasy like Cinderella and Prince Charming, when we broke up for the first time, all my hope in love was gone. I was empty and miserable and was only holding it together for my real sister which is Amelia and my sister by choice which is Olivia.

They were the only reason I was alive but then Mateo and I reunited and that feels like fate. What were the honest to god chances of us reuniting? It's almost like our destiny was engraved and it can not be undone.  I don't see Mateo as just my boyfriend, I see him as my best friend, my soulmate, my rock, my everything and there's nothing anyone can do or say to make me change my mind.

I've had so many dreams about us in the future, a little Mateo running around which made me chuckle, that kid would be an absolute handful.

"What's funny, darling?" Mateo interrupted my deep thoughts, "I just had this like funny picture or daydream about a tiny you, running around our house." I replied, still amused with the thought. 

"A mini me, huh? That doesn't sound too bad because I think his mother would be quite hot, do you agree?" Mateo commented, feeling quite proud of himself for being that smooth. "Oh, no, I disagree, I think his father would be gorgeous." I replied.

"I never knew you wanted kids, Erica, I just thought you didn't want any know your mother." He said turning this into a deep conversation. "We don't have to have kids if you don't want to but it's sort of been my dream." I muttered, scared that I was going to freak him out.

"Darling, why would I give up the opportunity to have kids with the most beautiful woman alive? You're going to be a fantastic mum when the time is right." He said in a sweet tone, lifting my chin up to his face. 

"I think you would make a fantastic dad, Mateo, I honestly do." He gave me a warm smile and we sat on the sandy beaches of the shore.

"You see those two waves?" He pointed to two overlapping waves which were folding over the sea shore. "Yeah, what about them?" I questioned, a bit confused. "They always stick together, just like us two." He said with a smile and I gave him a warm smile.

He turned to face me, putting both of his hands on my waist and putting his lips on mine, I embraced this moment, my hands running through his hair and his arms embracing me. 

"Erica, I have a feeling that I'm severely in love with you." He said. "Mateo, I have a feeling I'm in love with you as well." I replied, earning a smile. I could be with him for ages and not get bored of him and his gorgeous smile.

"Erica, I have  something to ask you." Mateo said in a serious tone, scaring the living daylights out of me. He stood up and pointed to the stars that washed the dark sky above us. "Look at those." He said and I stood up and stared at them, wondering what was going on.

I turned back to look at him but he was on one knee. Oh my god, was he proposing. My eyes began watering as he began to speak.

"Erica Katarina Jenkins, from the moment I met you, there was definitely something special about you. You brought light into my world when it was so dark, regardless of the fact that you had so much darkness in yours. You are my whole world, my future wife, the mother of my children and there is no one else that I would rather spend my life with, then you. You are the reason I am still alive, the reason why I have the urge to live. I find myself smiling at your texts, blushing at your words and addicted to you in general. Through the ups and downs, you have conquered every hurdle in your way and I promise that going forward, you will conquer more with me by your side. In sickness, in health, in stalkers like Carter, I'm always going to be there for you. This being said, Erica Katarina Jenkins, would you give me the honour of being your husband?"

I was speechless, absorbing everything he had just said. This beautiful proposal on a night near the sea, under the stars glistening up our sky. "I would love to be your wife, Mateo Willis." I replied, allowing him to breathe. He placed a beautiful diamond ring onto my finger, finally claiming me forever.

He stood up and stared into my eyes, "You know you had me worried for a second there, I thought you were going to say no." I gasped, "How could I say no to the most handsome man alive?" I questioned.

Our lips met again and I fell into a trance, finally finding my fantasy. A horror struck over me as I realised how much planning we were going to have to do. "Mateo, what about the planning?" 

"Don't worry, I got a few of my friends to help me out." And almost on cue, Olivia and Jackson walked out, beaming. My eyes started watering as I realised that family wasn't always by blood, it was by choice and these people will be my family. 


AUTHORS NOTE: no, this isn't the end, don't panic. Yes, i started crying writing this, don't ask why, I'm officially emotionally attached to my own story. Thank you for reading this far, I love you angel!

- bianca

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