Wedding Bells

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Today was the day of the wedding, the day that I had been planning for what felt like forever. Everything was set and of course, I had text messages galore. From Olivia "hey bitch! I'm coming over, you're getting married girl, I knew you would be the one to get married first. So proud! Anyways cya in a bit." From Mateo, "Hey beautiful! Hope you got your beauty sleep. I'll see you at the altar. In case you forget your line, cause you're blown away by how hot I am, it's "I do"

What a smart ass. Anyway, it was time to focus, I needed to get dressed. My stylist was coming in at 8 and Olivia should be here any moment. All of a sudden, I heard someone enter my door, so I turned around and standing there, in front of me, were my 3 brothers and my little sister. "Oh my god, guys, you made it." I ran to them.

My eldest brother spoke, "You can't have a wedding without the groomsmen, Mateo asked us to be part of his party and there's no way we could refuse. Plus, Amelia wanted to be a flower girl, and you can't say no.

"Awh, of course guys," I bent down to talk to my sister, "hey there! Ready to be a flower girl?" She nodded. "Alright, go get your basket and I guess I'll see you later at the aisle then." One of my brothers looked at me with pity, "Um, mum isn't coming, sorry." He mumbled. My heart sank, she really couldn't come to my own wedding.

I played it off, "That's alright, at least you guys came. I'll um, see you guys down at the altar." I kissed all of them on the cheek before they left to go get changed. I stared at myself in the mirror, using all my might to not cry. "Erica, do not let her ruin this day for you, she is not worth it." I told myself before hearing a knock at the door.

"Come in." I ushered before Olivia came in, followed by my stylist. "Hey girl! Looking good, I'm going to get changed in your spare bathroom and Monique's going to do your hair and makeup. Let's fucking do this wedding!" She chanted. "Yeah, let's fucking do it.' I repeated. "That's the energy I want to hear, my confident bride, take a seat." My stylist said.

As I sat down in the chair, getting my hair and makeup done, I felt like for once, today was going to be a good one. "So, are the nerves kicking in?" She asked. "Yeah, I guess, but I'm comforted by the fact that I'm marrying Mateo, I guess, if that makes sense." I replied. She turned me in my chair and looked at me, "Ah, I see, you're in love, makes sense, darling. Alright, look in the mirror on 3."

"1, 2, 3." She counted in and I turned in my chair to reveal my face in the mirror, my brown eyeshadow illuminating my hazel eyes, my braided hair with petals in my hazel brown hair brought out my face, my mascara making my eyes longer and my red lipstick making all of it work together. "Darling, you look beautiful." She commented, making me feel supported.

I smiled, "Thank you so much Monique. I'm going to go get changed, I'll meet you and Olivia at the front in 15?" She gave me a warm smile and then closed the door on the way out, leaving me and the floral wedding dress. I put on my wedding dress, letting the laces embrace me and thankfully, I fit in it and put on my heels before attaching my veil and walking out of my bedroom.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD, LORD OF JESUS. BITCH YOU ARE GORGEOUS, STUNNING, HOLY FUCKING GOD. Girl, you are so ready, Mateo's going to want to SMASH you, the moment you get on that altar, fucking hell, BUT ERICA YOU ARE GORGEOUS." Olivia squealed once she saw me.  

After a lot of fussing around, Olivia and I got in the limousine that took us to the chapel. The nerves started kicking in as the car moved and Olivia rambled on about the after party. We finally arrived at the chapel and the bells rung, signalling time for the wedding to start.

My heart raced as I realised I had no one to walk me down the aisle but then out of nowhere Jackson appeared after I stepped out of the limo, "Mateo asked me to walk you down the aisle, if I may." He offered and I grabbed his hand. As we waited behind the church doors, I spotted Mateo in a tuxedo with my three brothers behind him, nervously fidgeted as the church filled with our family and friends.

As our wedding song, which was clearly chosen by Mateo as he was a Bruno Mars fan, played, Olivia, my one and only bridesmaid walked down the aisle with my bouquet who gave the thumbs up to my very nervous groom. 

At the chorus of the song, I began walking down the aisle, holding Jackson's arm, waving to my friends and family, my brothers were in tears. When we got to the bottom of the aisle, Jackson turned to look at me, "Take care of my boy, will ya?" I nodded, "Always." Before kissing him on the cheek and climbing up the stairs to meet Mateo, a tear rolling down his cheek.

"Hey there!" He whispered. "Hello stranger." I whispered back, "You look gorgeous, Erica, honestly." He complimented and I beamed, "You don't look too bad yourself." 

"We are gathered here today to join Erica Jenkins and Mateo Willis in holy matrimony. They've asked for this wedding to be quick but beautiful so we will go straight to hand-made prepared vows. Mateo, you may start." Our priest said.

"Erica Jenkins, from the moment I've met you, you have been the light in my darkness. From the way you giggle at the most stupid things, to the way you watch romance comedies and yell at the guy for not getting with her sooner, to the way you smile and even when you cry, I'm so in love with you. When you chose me to be your boyfriend and fiancée I had found a purpose to live. I promise the universe has blessed me because I am so lucky to be able to call you mine. For the rest of my life, through sickness and health, until the day I die, I vow to never stop loving you and never stop protecting you from whatever lies out there." Mateo vowed before wiping his eyes with a tissue.

"Even if an alien with a blasting UFO comes on to Earth?" I teased. "Yeah, even if that happens." He laughed. It was now my turn.

"Mateo, I honestly don't know where to start. You are the piece in my jigsaw puzzle that just fits, you are my whole life and my whole world. I've got to be the luckiest girl in the world to be able to be your girlfriend and soon to be your wife. The sweetest thing about you, is even if you're struggling, you'll always put me first. No matter how old we get, I promise to always love you and accept you for who you are. I vow to love you through sickness and health, through wealth and poverty and any challenges that arise. You truly are a blessing in disguise, I love you." 

AUTHORS NOTE: don't worry, the sappy stuff isn't over yet, click the next chapter BUT before you do, I'd like to admit that I actually started crying during this chapter. I'd like to once again thank you all for your support, I love you heaps. - Bianca

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