An Interesting First Day

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I pulled down my jacket a bit, so it looked a bit more professional. I really can't be making a bad impression on my first day at a new job. I took in the beautiful building, it really was wonderful. All I had to do was get mentored today. Let's just hope whoever was mentoring me, wasn't a painful dick or thinks that I can be messed with. Not today, Satan. Erica Jenkins, go in there and kill it. You've got this, new job, new beginning. Put everything in the past and walk towards your future.

I walked into the building, amazed at the high chandeliers and beautifully coloured rooms. All you have to do Erica, is be an assistant to a lawyer for a week and then you can do this yourself. Don't worry about a thing. I smiled and went for that bubbly cheerful look, stop looking weird, oh my god Erica, what are you even doing? I plastered on a weird looking smile and walked over the to reception desk. There was a man at the reception desk who looked friendly. "Hi, I'm Erica Jenkins, Jeff asked me to come in to be mentored this week. I'm the new recruit."

Good, Erica, was that so hard. He smiled at me and then said "Hi Erica, nice to finally meet you," he did this awkward thing where he looked me up and down... "your mentor will be Mateo, Mateo Jenkins, he's been here a while and he'll be showing you around. Here's your keycard, you'll need it to get around." I gulped. Please don't let it be the same Mateo. My knees started to get weak and my hands started sweating.

"Are you okay?" He questioned. I nodded politely but my head was filled with 1000 thoughts about it. What would I even say to him? I missed him but I was still so mad at Mateo. How could he do that to me? I mean I know that I could forgive him and we were younger back then..but-

My thoughts were interrupted by Levi, the receptionist again. "You can make your way upstairs...Erica? Hello?" Whoops. "Oh, right sorry, yeah, where do I go?" Levi shook his head. "Upstairs, first door to your left, have a good day, I'm right here if you need it." I smiled at Levi gratefully, at least he was nice.

I slowly walked up the stairs, shaking as I went, here we I stared into the window of an open office and read the name on the door. "Mateo Willis, Senior Member". Shit. I wasn't having a bad nightmare, this was real.


I saw her perfect figure near the glass and ducked behind a wall. It was her. What am I going to do? Should I just ask to switch...oh too late she saw me. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. Oh my god. Okay, let's pretend we don't know each other.

"Just in here" I heard Jackson mutter and she walked in the doors. I stared at her in awe. There she was, blonde hair, gorgeous body covered by her pantsuit which sort of highlighted her boobs.

I almost smirked as I checked her out, damn. All of a sudden I heard her say "My eyes are up here,  genius." She knew exactly what I was doing. I coughed awkwardly to break the silence.

"Alright, I'm going to be straight forward here, anything in the past, stays in the past. I'm here to mentor you, so go, fetch me a coffee-" I managed to say firmly before she interrupted me. "Decaf? With that little love heart made out of that creamy foam on the top? You got it boss." I looked at her in awe. Alright, she wants to play that romance game. Baby, I'm the boss at that, she has no idea what's coming. "Hey sweetheart, can you put the letters M and E in it?" She blushed from head to toe. I knew exactly what I was doing. 

"Sure, I hope your new girlfriend knows that you care about her, even at work. Should I make it with a hint of black, just like your heart?" Shit. She was still pissed. She grinned. That girl still has a touch on me. I see how it is, but no one does that to Mateo Willis, no one.

As she walked off, she took her jacket off, revealing more of herself and did a sort of strut out the door. Alright, nice game, Erica. Let's play.

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