Just Another Day (HER POV)

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The ringing of my alarm echoed in my apartment room. I know what time it is, first day of work. I should really be grateful and excited for this, but I swear to god, I hate waking up early. I let out a sigh and then hesitantly made my way to the old rusty cupboard near my bed. Come on Erica, don't mess this up. I really can't afford to unemployed, god help me. I guess I could make breakfast..wait..how many calories are in that? Shoot. We'll skip breakfast, I think. 

God, how I wish I could go back to the high school days. All I did was fantasise about being married to my Highschool boyfriend. Mateo Willis...goddamn he was hot. We didn't work out because we had way too many arguments at the end of our relationship and I never felt wanted. But when have I ever felt wanted..hm..oh well. I made my way to the bathroom and washed my face, staring at what I thought was an ugly face in the mirror. Ew, Erica, no wonder you can't get laid. I held my stomach in dismay, still fat. All those mean comments in Highschool really got to me. I've never felt any comfort and the only light in my life at the moment was my best friend, Olivia. We had been friends since birth and she was a WILD one. She was the only one that was ever there for me during my darkest times and I loved her heaps. She was like a sister I never had in a household of boys. Mum never really showed up for me, I guess, just like everyone else, she didn't want me either. 

Olivia had always said that one day I'll find a Prince Charming, maybe even have kids. I can't see that happening. I'm this negative, ugly mope who just can't find love. A part of me wondered if he ever thought of me, because I always thought of him. I miss him so much. That addictive love of his was too good. Maybe that myth was true, if you're thinking of someone, they're thinking of you. I used all my prayers to hope that came to life.

I checked my phone. "SHIT, it's already 8am, goddamn it Erica, pull it together." I ran into my bedroom, when I say ran, I sort of fast walked, I'm not that athletic. At the same time, I really couldn't be late for my first day at a new job. If all goes well, I could apply for that upcoming manager role that they have announced. I quickly put on a smart pantsuit that was casual and good for work. Considering I had moved homes just to get closer to my work, it was a 5 minute walk, in which I sprinted. Before entering the building, I took a deep breath, Erica Jenkins, get in there and fucking own it.

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