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I woke up on the floor after a terrible nightmare. I dreamt that Mateo was dying in my arms and I tried everything but he just wouldn't come back to life. That nightmare really hurt me as I imagined all the horrible things that could happen to him.

I got up and refused to change my shirt because it smelt like him and that made me feel happy. I walked into the kitchen to see Jackson crying, "Hey, are you alright?" I asked. He just shook his head and then said "Erica, I'm sorry, it should've been me to go after Carter, now his life might be at risk because of me, I'm so sorry Erica. I really don't want to lose him, this is all my fault." 

I felt horrible for Jackson because I had been so rude last night, I hadn't considered how he would be feeling, he could possibly lose his best friend because of me. I hugged him, "Jackson, it's not your fault I promise. I'm happy that we get to do this together, okay? Thank you for giving up your time to protect me. You're helping both of us and I know that Mateo is very appreciative." He chuckled, "You know Mateo never shuts up about you and now I can see why, you truly are an angel." I beamed, knowing that Mateo talked about me.

It made me content to know that I meant something to someone, him especially. "Do you want me to make breakfast, Jackson?" He nodded. I went into the kitchen and opened the fridge, eggs and bacon it is. 

Honestly, I was starting to miss Mateo more and more each day and it was hurting me. He was supposed to call today and I really wanted it to be soon, so I could hear his hot voice again. I finished making bacon and eggs for Jackson and served it on a yellow plate. I went to go sit back down at the couch, fiddling with the necklace again.

All of a sudden, the phone rang and I bolted for it but Jackson got there first. I crossed my fingers, please let it be Mateo. "Hello there, how's everything going? Yeah, Erica's fine but she misses you a lot. Do you know when you're coming back? Okay, I'll pass her on." Jackson said before passing the phone to me, I grabbed it quickly.

"Mateo, are you alright? I miss you so much, when are you coming back? Are you hurt?" I rapidly spoke. He chuckled, "I'm alright, sweetheart. My boys and I are on this guy, he can't hurt you and no, I'm not hurt. Is Jackson taking care of you?".  I sighed of relief as I knew he wasn't hurt, "Yeah, he is. But..I really miss you and it hasn't even been a day. I still wear my necklace, though, My eyes began to sting and my voice started cracking. "I really miss you Mateo."

"Awh, my love, I miss you too. I'm wearing my necklace too. Wait for me, I promise I'll come back." I smiled while the tears trickled down my face. I heard a loud bang from his side of the call , "Mateo, what was that?" I asked. "Uh, Erica, I'll call you back, I just heard a gun shot." He said and then hung up. My heart dropped. Gun shot...that means there's guns that could harm him. Jackson noticed I was shocked, "What happened, Erica?".

"G-gunshot, he said there was a gunshot." I trembled as I spoke, imagining him with a gun. "Erica, Mateo can take care of himself, I promise it's okay. He'll call back soon. Why don't we play a game while we wait?" He prompted. "Yeah sure, what game?" I asked. "How about truth or dare?" He suggested.

Truth or Dare, that was a flashback to Highschool, I picked dare and then had to give a lap dance to Mateo, damn it, I'm thinking about him again. "Yeah sure." I said, quite concerned about where this was going. "Truth or dare, Erica?" Jackson questioned, "Truth." I responded trying to play it safe. "What's your favourite thing in a guy?" He asked. I stared at my hands, puzzled, why would he ask that? My mind flashed right to Mateo, all his amazing qualities and of course his gorgeous looks.

"Well, usually for me to even considering dating, you need to have a good personality and I like family oriented people, I guess." I replied. "That's cool, your turn." He said. "Truth or Dare?" I asked Jackson. "Dare, always dare." He responded, I nodded trying to think of a dare. Eventually I said "I dare you to call your crush and tell her you like her."

He stared at me with a blank expression, "Uh, alright." , then he picked up his phone and dialed a number which was familiar to me. A familiar voice picked up the phone "Hey, Olivia speaking, what's up?" I started squealing, "YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON OLIVIA, OH MY GOD, WE COULD GO ON SO MANY DOUBLE DATES?" Olivia, who had heard my voice started screaming too, "OH MY GOD BITCH, I TOLD YOU HE LIKED ME, HOW IS EVERYTHING I MEAN SHIT WE HAVEN'T TALKED IN AGES? Jackson do you mind passing the phone, that's my bitch over there." Jackson just shook his head and passed the phone to me, sighing.

Honestly, for the first time in ages, I felt at home. I was with my sister from another mother, Jackson and I had a wonderful boyfriend who I loved heaps. I wouldn't trade anyone or anything for this and I really felt for once in my life that I had a future. If only, I could tell the 15 year old me that all that pain was worth something. There must be some guardian angel looking over me at the moment.

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