Just Another Day (His POV)

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Another day of work. Perfect. I heard a new girl was coming in to take Tanisha's role. That girl was too soft and let that bitch Kayla get to her, all this bullying fiasco for what. I hope this new girl can adjust quickly because I'm not in the mood to explain the whole marketing thing to her. All my mates and I are just there to get the job done, get the cheque and go home. There's nothing really interesting at my work, I haven't had a ray of sunshine since..well her. I've tried EVERYTHING, dating girls, hooking up, taking up a new hobby even taking up martial arts, but nothing works. It's like she cast some sort of magic spell on me. I miss everything about her, her smile, her smell, her eyes and that cute little giggle she has. Whatever, that's over now and I really need to move on. Jackson was right, she's not coming back and I'll probably never see her again. MOVE ON but it's so hard. 

I buttoned up my black t-shirt and made my way onto the bus which led me straight to my work. I noticed a girl on the train that had the same blonde hair, it's like she's coming back to haunt me. What would I even say to her if we met? God, I'd be a wreck. Everything's the same nowadays, same weird train, same annoying fucking voice that tells me to get off. I readjusted the watch on my wrist nervously as I thought about bad scenarios that could come out of this new girl. As I looked at my watch, a sense of loneliness hit me, and it hit me bad.

My mum gave me this watch when I was 16. I've kept it ever since the accident. She's okay now but I'll never forget how petrified I was. Who was there to comfort me then? Her. Shit, Mateo, pull it together.

I arrived at work early enough, it was 7:45 and I was greeted by my best mate, Jackson. 

"YO MATEO, APPARENTLY THE NEW CHICK IS HOT AS FUCK. I dibs on her. She's probably a total smash." I rolled my eyes. Of course he wanted to fuck her before he met her, typical Jackson. "Where did you hear that?" I questioned. He replied by pointing at Levi, our receptionist at the building. Great. She's probably an entitled bitch that won't listen. Dumb blonde, probably. 

I made my way to my desk and fidgeted with my fingers. Maybe she was a smash, I'll think about it. My charm just is there and the ladies enjoy it. All of a sudden Jackson runs into my office with a thud. "Yo, man, don't mean to freak you out but..I think Erica's the new girl."

WHAT. This can not be happening to me. An angry expression washed over me as I realised they were talking about smashing her. Okay. Let's just pretend we never met. What could possibly go wrong?

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