Safe House

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The car ride there was silent, I tried to process everything that had just happened but it didn't feel real, it felt like a nightmare. How could he be leaving me, just to protect me? I didn't want him to go at all, I wanted to be near him every single day, this is all my fault. I fidgeted with the necklace that was in my bag, rubbing my thumb over the "M" which was engraved on the right side of the heart.

We had reached a campsite which had lots of trees and bushland, it was almost like a campsite. I wanted to just disappear so that I didn't have to say goodbye. Mateo, who was driving, was holding back tears. He realised that I was holding the necklace so he took it out of my hands and put it around my neck. "I'll be wearing mine always, you wear yours, okay?" He asked. I nodded, not being able to talk. 

He unlocked the car doors and I hesitantly stepped out of the car, seeing Jackson in the distance. I trudged across the muddy ground, tears falling down my cheeks. Jackson brought me in for a hug, as he realised how much I was struggling. I noticed a small cabin in the distance which I guess was the safe house, I just wanted to go with Mateo, I didn't want to be here wondering if he was still alive or not. Holding Mateo's hand in my left hand and my bag in the other, I turned around to face him. With all my might, I managed to get out a few words.

"Mateo, I may never see you again so I want to tell you this. You are the love of my life, if you die today, if you die tomorrow, I need you to know that. I don't care what anyone else has I just love you. When you're out there, fighting for me, I need you to know that you're probably the only one who has even given a shit about me. Thank you for everything you've done for me, I love you so much. If it's the last time I ever see you, maybe in another afterlife we'll get married and have kids but I love you so much, Mateo." 

He pressed his lips on mine and I savoured this moment because it might be the last kiss we ever have. I held the back of his neck as he grabbed my waist, I wanted this moment to never end because I wanted us to be forever. I thought we were going to be forever. I prayed on everything I have that he makes it back in one piece. "I love you too Erica, I promise I'll try everything to make it back in once piece. You stay strong for me, I know you will. When I come back, I promise, I'll make you my wife, I'll make you the mother of my children, just please stay strong." He pleaded and I nodded, trying my all to stay strong.

As he kissed my forehead for the last time, he turned to Jackson. "Take care of my girl, please. If anything happens to me, take care of her. I'm counting on you, Jackson." Jackson nodded and then Mateo walked off to the car. As he drove away I fell to the ground, sobbing uncontrollably, not being able to hold it in. 

Jackson picked me up, holding me tight but I didn't want anything but Mateo. My eyes watering continuously and the hole in my heart didn't help at all. I missed him already, I missed his touch, he was off to go hunt my ex and I might never see him again.

Jackson carried me all the way to the safe house and put me on the couch, I hugged the blankets and pretended it was him. All the times we spent together replayed in my head, the "I love you", my first court case, his glorious abs, I missed him so much already.

I pulled my necklace close to me, hoping he was holding his at this exact moment. Jackson walked to me with pizza, "Erica, here's your dinner, try and eat, okay?" He said as he laid the pizza box on the table. I pushed it away from me, "I'm not hungry." I said as I stormed off to my new bedroom. I know that was unfair on him but I was so angry and upset that I didn't care. 

I couldn't help but feel like this was all my fault, if I hadn't brought Carter into my life, Mateo wouldn't be out there risking his life for a disgusting girl like me. I stared at my phone, praying he would call, praying on everything I had that he would make it out alive.

I carefully opened the blinds near my bed, staring out at the dark sky, there was only one star out tonight and I stared at it. Maybe Mateo was looking at it too? I took this opportunity to pray, so I got on my knees, leaning on the window sill. 

"Hi Universe, it's Erica. I don't do this often because at first I didn't believe in anything. Now I've changed my mind, I believe in love. This is only because Mateo is now in my life and I love him so much. I know I'm not perfect and I know I've hurt a lot of people, I know I've made my mistakes but don't take that out on Mateo. He's only trying to save me and I really need him back. Please, please please." I pleaded.

I don't think anyone was listening but it was worth a shot. I put on Mateo's favourite shirt and played with the necklace. I kissed the "M" on the necklace, knowing this was the best I was going to get. Please be okay, please be okay.

My last thoughts were what if he never comes back, what if Carter kills him, what if I hurt Jackson? I then drifted into a deep sleep, laying on the cold floor with Mateo's necklace around me

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