chapter 1 the tickets

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*edited 4/30/18*

Sienna's POV

Its here, its here my tickets to the 5 seconds of summer concert, I can't wait to tell Jessa and Devon, they're going to freak out. 

"Mom I'm going to Jessa's house." I yell as I run out of the house

Jessa's POV
"Hi Devon, what's up." I ask my best friend who just walked into my room.

 "I'm not sure, Sienna called me and said to meet here." she said, sitting on my bed. "Said something about big news for the both of us."

 "Oh okay, do you want to play the Wii with me while we wait?" I asked, tossing her a Wii remote, not giving her a choice.

Sienna's POV

I drove to Jessa's house, where I asked Devon to meet us. Parking I run up the steps and enter the house -not bothering to knock was a normality.

"Hey Mom, I'll be upstairs." I greeted Jessa's mom.

I went up the stairs, taking two at a time, and went to Jessa's room. Devon was already there, surprising me since she lives further away, I breath heavily holding my chest.

"you okay?" Devon asked.

"Hey guys," I panted giving Devon a thumbs up.

"what was so important that couldn't wait?" Jessa asked.

I held up the tickets handing one to each of them, they looked at them before their eye's go big and they both scream.

"You got us tickets to see 5sos and back stage passes!" Devon said, hugging the ticket. "Hey are you going to give Kayla the 4th ticket?"

 "Yeah, I just wanted to tell you first," I said finally regaining my breath. "Come on let's go."

We walked down the hall to Jessa's brother's room, Kayla was his girlfriend, Jessa knocked on the door and Kaylas voice said come in. 

"hey guys, what's up?" she asked looking up from her phone.

I handed her the ticket, she studied it for a moment then locked up at us with a dropped jaw. we held up our tickets and she squealed. 

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