bing bam bom pow

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Someone hold me this is the LAST chapter of good girls and I want to cry its so herd to let it go. Ok soin the book its been a mouth since jessa went in a coma
Devon's POV
I was sitting in the family room to mine and Ashton's house and I feel something wet it to me a minute but I released i just went into labor

"ASHTON" I yelled he ran in

"What??" He asked

"My water just broke" he gave me a weird look

"Your what?"

"MY WATER AS IN THE BUBBLE THE BABY IS IN" Ashton started frecking out "Ashton just get my bag I'll be in the car" I said getting up.

It had been 3 hours and I was finely do geving berth to Stacy and Derek (bam she had twins bet you didn't see that coming) sienna was in the other room with Calum michael hasn't really left jessa side much all mouth

"What their names?" The doctor ask

"Stacy Derek" I said

"Would you like to hold them?" She asked

"Yes please" she handed me Stacy then Derek

Derek had my hazel eyes and Stacy had Ashton's green eyes bit both of them were blonde

"Can i hold one?" Ashton asked i handed him Stacy and he held her like she would brake it was the best moment in my life

Kendra's POV
Jessa went on a coma a moth ago but I still wanted to go on that trip with Luke right now we were walking in a park

"Kendra in the last few mouths I've known you ive fallen for you heard" Luke said stopping

"I've fallen for you to" I said not sure what to say then he got on one nee

"Kendra William I've known you for a short time but I know that I want to spined the rest of my life with you will you marry me" he said and i wanted to cry

"Yes" was all I said he put the ring on my feger and kissed me it was amazing

Michaels POV
Its been a mouth since Jessa went into a coma my poor fallen angel its all my fault if i had never got her that bike his never would have happened. Sienna walked in the room she's been here a lot to e pretty much never leaves like me

"Devon had her twins" she said "I didn't even know she was having twins"

"I dont think any of us did" i said "sienna why are you always here?" I asked

"Jessa saved my life. When we were little we were best friends then on day I didn't see her then the next then days turned in to weeks and weeks turned into mouths the mouths turned into years my family were very stricked they always tried to make me like everyone els they took away my will to live sometimes i wanted to kill my self but i always thought of jessa then one day her brother stoped by are house turns out they had moved 20 blocks away from are house then about a week later her mom brought her over with her and her brother then we hung out and the rest is history"

"Wow sienna that's just wow" we both went quite" can I show you something?"

"Yeah what?" I lifted up my sleeve showing my cuts that I made after jessa went into a coma " Michael why?"

"Its all my fault jessas here I got here the bike"

"Michael your right its your fault jessa is here because if you never joined Luke in making covers jessa would be dead right now she's just sleep" sienna went from 0-100 really fast"dont ever cut yourself again" i nodded then we juat sat there not saying any thing for a hour then 2 hours not talking just listening to the sound of the heart monitor

"Well someone turn that thing off its giving me a head ace" me and siennas heads shot up to see jessas eyes open "where am i?" She asked

"Y-your in a hospital you got in a rec and he been in a coma for a mouth" I said smiling like an idiot

"Oh um so what did I miss?" She asked

"Well not much really all th happened was Devon having her twins" sienna said "I'm gonna go get the doctor" sienna said the left

Siennas POV
It was midnight when me and Calum finely lift the hospital when we got home we just lad on the bed not really talking i was laying on Calum's chest and we just stared at the ceiling calum started sucking on my neck i smiled its been i wile since we made out and tonight was the perfect time.

I sat up and Calum did to i kissed him he moved his hands to my waste I reaped my arms around his neck pulling him closer deepening the kiss calums hands went under my shirt rubbing around are kisses became sloppier calum started kissing my jaw then my neck he went to my sweet spot and i moaned then he bit it I let out a little scream/moan and I felt him smirk as he sucked my neck he broke the kiss and took his shirt off and i took mine off he then lad me down on the bed then kissed down my body

"Ive got an idea"I whisper in Calums ere

"And what mite that be?" He asked still kissing me

"Let's do a little more then make out" he stopped kissing me and looked up

"And what mite a little more be?"

"Lets fined out"


Calum and I collapsed next to each other I can't believe I just lost my virginity damn sex is good why haven't I tryed this before

"I love you" Calum said pulling me closer to him

"I love you to the moon and back" i said coddling in his chest



It been a long rood gummy bears from some time in may to now I've worked the summer for this book and now its over.

Todays date is 10/3/2015 see you guys soon

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