chapter 2

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Devon's POV
Wow I still cant believe I'm going to meet 5 seconds of summer and by 5 seconds of summer I mean Ashton He's so hot

"Guys just think in a few hours we will be in LA," Sienna said. "and meet Luke, Michael, Calum, and Ashton. Eek, this is the best day of my life." 

"And by Luke, Michael, Calum, and Ashton you mean Calum right?" Jessa teased Sienna, who'd had a crush on Calum since she found out about the band.

"Maybe..." Sienna said her ears turning red. "are you going to be okay on the plane?" she asked Jessa.

"I'm going to have to be if I want to see 5sos." Jessa said, she was terrified of heights.

"don't worry, we won't let you sit by a window." Kayla said, side hugging Jessa.

"Thanks guys," Jessa said. "Sienna are you going to be okay, with your motion sickness?"

"OH yeah I should be, I took some ginger and that's supposed to help." Sienna said. "It's time to get on the plane."

We boarded our plane and prep ourselves for an eight hour flight to California, Sienna set closest to the window then me then Jessa, Kayla had to sit in the next row up.


Sienna called a cab to pick us up and take us to are hotel room, once there we all took naps. there were two hotel rooms which meant Kayla and me shared one, while Sienna and Jessa shared the other.

Kayla and I had gotten ready on time, but when we went to cheek on Jessa and Sienna were arguing about something.

"Guys, we have to go!" I yelled.

"What are you talking about," Jessa said confused. "OH MY GOD WE'VE BEEN FIGHTING FOR AN HOUR!"

"What?! We have to get ready!" Sienna said.

"Get ready in the car we have to go now." Kayla said.

"but-" Sienna started but Kayla cut her off.

" You aren't going to make me late just because you guys were fighting." Kayla said. 

"Yes, Kayla." Sienna said dropping her head.

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