break up

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Well it was the day me and the lads leve and the girls leve little do they no we are going to Michigan in a few weeks but I'm still going to miss Jessa she's so sweet and let me dye her hair blue so did sienna but it was green and just the tips so yeah devon and Ashton are a cozy couple and Kayla is hiding something from Luke I can feel it in my balls I know that's werd but I can.

Omg omg I still have Arnold I have to break up with him that's what I'm going to do I'm going home and breaking up with him
" omg Kayla your still dating my brother you have to break up with him before Luke finds OUT " Jessa said walking to the cab " I know I'm doing that when we get back so Luke won't know and I was gunna brake up with him iney way so its all good" " ok let's go "

Luke when we got to the air port I geve kayla a kiss and we parted ways Jessa and Devon were crying and sienna was holding them I herd her wispr 'see you in a few weeks' to Calum I gess she new we were going to Michigan soon and I can't ewait we got on are plyn and were off

We landed and !y mom and brother were waiting for us and all I could think was today was going to end with some one crying hum well at lest I have my dream boyfriend

" JESSA MILL what did you do to your hair its blue" o boy

" I got it dyed" I said hopeing she wasn't to mad

" well it better fayd cous its ugly on you" my mom said I was about to cry when sienna stepped in

" I like it I think I'll have michael do mean when he comes" everybody looked at sienna  like she was crazy

" who's michael?" Arnold asked

"my boyfriend?" I said shyly sins my last boyfriend arnold beet up cousin we had sex ug

" where is he I'd like to meet him?"

" well he's not here he's in AL still" Jessa said sassy

" well I want to meet him or see him at lest" arnold said

"ok heres a photo" I said giveing him my phone he laughed then gave it back

" ha I thot you had a rely boyfriend not just playimg like always " that pi***d me off

" ok let's go girls we have a lot to do" sienna said looking at kayla and poled us in the van we poled in to Siennas house it was really big like always but their was a now car in the driveway

"hey sienna who's car is that" I asked as we all got out but my mom and my brother

"I don't kno- omg its TJs car " sienna started shaking

" who's TJ " kayla and Devon asked

"my brother I havet seen him in soooo lang like 6 years" sienna said

" if you havet seen him in  6 years how do you know its his car?" Devon asked

"he posted a pick on F-book now come on let's go" and with tha5 sienna ran in did the house and we fallowed we were greeted by her mom
" Hi Jan" I said and left upstairs I love Jan and all but sienna hates her I dont know why but she dose

" hi Jessa devon kalya" we walked in siennas room and she was on her phone that's werd

"Why are you up here on your phone and not downstairs with your brother?" I asked her

"What do you mean why would I be downstairs their with him?"

" it doset matter got your stuff so we can go to my house" we left siennas then went to devons house she got her stuff ande we all went to my house we all walked in and Arnold tryed to kiss kayla but she backed up

"Kayla what's rong babe?"

" im sorry but i cant do this eney more im leveing" kayla said crying we each gave her hugs and arnold looked pi****

"What the f*** are you serious you just got f****** back"

"I know but I'm done im just geting my stuff and then going home I'm sorry"

" sorry. Sorry I don't want your sh**** im sorry d*** you"
And with that he left we got Kayla's stuff and went to her house
We all had so moch fun we fell asleep


Sorry for the bad words but I had a bad day and arnold is like the in real life and if you don't know I'm sienna till next time

Don't forget to be awesome!!!!!!

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