chapter i have no clue

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"Guy's come on we have to go pick the girls right now". Man I'm so excited about my date to night I really want to impress Kayla she's so cute.

I can't believe I'm going on a date with the girl that lovey girl I feel I no hare already but I don't even no her name but I love her and I hope she feels the same way.

" coming luke " not reely but it will make him feel Better I'm almost do-" hey Luke what are you doing let me go I have to finish my hair" I yelled as Luke dragged me our of the bathroom " no you look fine all we are doing is going to Disneyland ( I no what your thinking but I want to go to Disneyland for my first dait and now I am in this book so it make me happy) no come on" he was right but I didn't like it when we got to the living room Ashton and calum were wateing for us we leve and go to the girls hotel room.

In can't believe I'm going to Disneyland for my first date and my date is Calum Hood " Jessa come on let's go to Kayla's and Devon's room" I yelled " ok come then" she said opening the door we walked to the next room and just waited for the boys to get here

To hours laytor

Me and Ashton have been talking for two hours and he is amazing we have been on almost all the rides sienna got sick twice and calum is holding her how sweet Jessa Kayla Luke and Michael are somewhere and me and ash are watching the fireworks and out of the blue Ashton kisses me at first I was shocked but then I kissed back we poled away and just stare " sorry I just um sorry" he said " why?" Um I kissed you and we just met and sorry" he looked down sadly" no need to be sorry " smiled and when he looked up i kissed him again he kissed back and it lasted a cupol of minutes we poled away I smile and he dose to " devon ever sints I met you I couldn't stop thinking about you and I love you" he said I was in shock for a momint and he continued " I love you will you be my girlfriend?" I look at him he looked down again " I'm sorr-" I cut him off" yes of cores I'll be your girlfriend " I yell/talk he smiles and we kiss again.

Me and !Michael lost Kayla and Luke but we don't care " so um Michael I gess you shod tell you I kind of have had a crosh on you for a long time" I said trying to be brave " umm yell thanks" he said that brook my heart " what the f**k all you have to say is thanks you little s-" I was cut of by Michael's lips pressed against min he poled away " jessa i was just kiding I like you to a lot " he said which mayed my heart melt " wow so you do like me?" I asked " yeah I like you who wouldn't like you your sweet ext." If only you nuw who wouldn't like me. I was introduced by Michael kissing me again but this time I kissed back. " so then will you be my girlfriend" he asked as we poled away " yes yes yes" I said.

So me and Luke are on a rollercoaster at the top " kayla i relly relly like you i know we just met but will you be my girlfriend" he asked I look at him like he's crazy and the ride started goimg down " yyyyeeeeesssssss" I say Luke just smirks.

I was about to kiss sienna but she put her finger on my lip " what's wrong?" I asked " I can't kiss you your not my boyfriend" she sighed " do you have a boyfriend?" I sigh " nooo " she smirks " then can I be your boyfri- I was cutoff by sienna kissing me we poled away " I'll take that as a yes" I cacald.

_______________________________________________________________________and they all whent home and got banged up NOT sorry but I don't roll that way. So its that forth of July guys its 21:46 am and I did this just for you guy thanks for more then 100 v and yeah so HAPPY FORTH OF JULY EVERYONE ---Sienna

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