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Its been 2 months scene Kayla broke up with Arnold and she's doing great her and Luke chak every day and Arnold doesn't no she's dating Luke at that Jessa's dating Michael my brother has a house up the rood which is bad cindof but I don't care 5sos has a concert tonight and calum gave me 4 backstage passes so me and the girl are gonna meet at Devon's house and head over to the concert I can't wayt for tonight I miss my boyfriend. Jessa came over cous i have a car and she doesn't (a/n lol I just burst out laughing) so I'm tacking her to Devon's house were sitting in the family room with my dad and all my brother's and my sister's and my phone gos off "tell me where your hiding your voodoo dall cous i cant control myselfit cept going on but my sister grabed it off the table

"who's Calum and what song is this?" Kyla asked (a/n yes I have a sister named kyla shes 10 years younger then me so she's 8 in the book)

"Um none of your biss now give me my phone" I tock my phone and walked in the kitchen and answered my phone

(C for calum S for me aka sienna)

S. Hello

C. Hey babe

S. Hey babe how are you?

C. Fine how about you love

S. Aww fine can't wayt to see you

C. Aww well just 2 more hours

S. Yeah ugh I got to go see Devon see you in 2 hours babe love you

C. K see you

And with that I walked out only to find my family eres prest to the door

"ugh guys why were you listening to my conversation?" I said walking to the door

" cous we want to know who your boyfriend, how long you've been dateing and what that song was" Corbin said smirking

"Non of your biss now I got to go come on Jes" I said walking out the door to my car it was just a black dorango with a small TV it had a car seet for my 2 year old niece clhoe (Corbin's kid)

"Sienna can I drive please" Jessa asked

" pit you want to just don't crash"

" you never le- wayt you said yes?" I laughed

" yeah just don't crash" i said again and geve Jessa the keys I hoped in the other seid and Jessa got in and started driveing I put in a sleeping with sirens disk and my favorite song came on I opened the window and started singing/welling out the window

"If you can't hang, then theirs the door baby if you can't hang then theirs the door baby iiiii don't wanna take up all your time coz your such a pretty, pretty,pretty, pretty, face but you turned into a pretty big waste of my time"
( sleeping with sirens if you can't hang)

"Sienna what the hell were you thinking with your ringtone voodoo dall why would you even do 5sos we all no your mom would kill you if she fond out about 5sos" Jessa yelled as we got out of my car

"Jessa I know it was stupid but I don't CARE eney more my mom poshed me away and I would have killed myself if you and Devon didn't show me 5sos and 1D you would have to and Devon with out 5sos we would be died so you know what I DONT CARE now come on" I dragged Jessa in Devon's house and we got ready

Devon had on black jeans a black tank top with February on it her brown hair was down as curly as ever she had green flats and a green bag

Jessa had on sky blue jeans a White shirt with black sleeves and blue flowers all over it black flip flops and her nals are black and blue her hair was down strate and blue

Kayla had a pretty white dress with yellow flowers on it whent up to her thiy she had White flip flops and yellow nals and her her hair was red/brown and down

I had on black jeans a White tank top with February on it (it was Devon's) I had black flats and my hair was all brown and down.

I was don and so was everyone eles we walked out to siennas car but were stoped by a Jack he comes over all the time i hate him but hes my brothers friend and he's always crushing on sienna so she hates him more then

"Ugh what do you want Jack" I said as rood as I can be

"I just wanted to see sienna" he said all sweet ugh

"Well you see me now we have to go" sienna said walking past him and he grabbed her arm

"Come on babe let's go have some 'fun' and dich these losers" o bad idea sienna kicked him in the gut and he fell.

" sorry but I've got to go see my boyfriend bye Jack" she said getting in the driver seet

"Hey guy get in" we all got in Jessa and sieena in the front and me and Kayla in the back sienna put in a 5sos disk good girls came on me Jessa and Kayla looked at sienna she side and opened all the windows and we all sung/yelled the song pout the windows

"She said to me forget what you though cause good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught sp just trun around and forget what you saw cause good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught"

Ok soon I got nothing just...

Don't forget to be awesome

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