to dream forever is a dream come true

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Oh my füçk this chapter is going yo make me cry at the end

Jessa POV
It was the middle of the baby shower and it was going great Devon was finishing opening her presens and then my favorit part of get togethers food

"TO THE KITCHEN FOR FOOD" sienna yelled everyone went to the kitchen and ashton had a cake it was a white cake with red frosting (I just released Ashton's and Devon's favorite color is red I'm a idiot)

Devon cut it and got the first piece then Ashton then me then Michael then kendra then Luke then sienna then calum then a bunch of other people who were here got some

Me devon kendra Michael Ashton and Luke all sat at a table but sienna and Calum were no where to be seen

"Where's salum or cienna or what ever their ship name is" Michael asked

"My guess is sucking each others faces" i said its all they ever do

"Yeah the it all the ever do" kendra said reading my mind "sienna should just give Calum her V cared and live happily ever after"

"Yeah I'm pretty sure even if she wanted to leave Calum he wouldn't let her" Ashton laughed "he loves her more then puppys"

We all laughed then as if on q Sienna and Calum walked up to us

"Whas up?" Sienna asked sitting down she seemed bubbly

"Nothing where were you two?" I asked

"Outside" Calum answered smirking at sienna who had a really happy smile on her

"Im not buying it but ok" I said "Devon you've been very quite you ok?" I asked

"Yeah I'm fine but the babys keeps mining me and it hearts like hell"

"Dont worry hone Ashton was the same way" ashtons mom Ann said

"Well that's good cuz I want anther ash tuning around the house like a idiot"

"Did she just sass me?" Ann asked

"No I really want a little as running around the house" devon said


It was 10 and me and Michael got home I was looking around for my phone cuz I couldn't find it anywhere

"Mikey do you have my phone?" I asked Michael when I walked in the family room

"No did you try calling it?" I slapped my self on the forehead and grabbed are land line

D. Hello?

J. Devon?

D. Jessa?

J. So my phones at your house?

D. You lost your phone?

J. Yes I'm gonna be over in a few too pick it up ok?

D. Ok me and ash will be up bye

J. Bye

That was weird anyway

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