chapter I think 6

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The week whent was good but didn't have that much fun I was to bisey thinking about my date with Luke that I blocked the world out in fact I think I met 1D but I don't know. Thin my phone buzzd I lookt at the text message it was from Luke.

Luke.  hey babe Michael keeps telling me to see if your friends cod come like a 4 person date so I hope you don't mind but cod they??!

Kayla of course thay can come thay would kill me if I said no in fact thay are reading my text right now till to night love you

Ya we are reading her text messages but if you fiy cross the country to meet Ashton Irwin you at least shud get a hand shake right?.

Yay thank you Kayla your the best I said as I ran to my room to tell Jessa ( still sleep ) good news.

I got up when sienna pord something on me Sienna y did you do that to me I said as I ran to the bathroom to get a towel. Cos your a depe sleepr and you need to hear this sienna said thin told me everything.

Sorry for not updateing in a wiall hopefully you had the best last day of school even :-)

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