R.I.P. Kayla

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Jessa pov
It was the day after Thanksgiving me and sienna were just having a snowball fite not we were just playing arond on my wii (in Michigan it snows arond Thanksgiving) when I got a call that killed me

Me. Hello?

?. Hello this is Kemble from the police is this jessa ?

Me. Yes.....

P. Yes we have some bad news about your friend Kayla

Me. What happened?

P. Well she died saving a child she took a bullet I'm sorry

Me. Thank you for telling me ill tell the rest of her friends

P. Thank you im sorry again good bye

Me. Bye

I hung up and started crying

"Jessa what happened how was that?" Sienna asked

"It was the police and they said Kayla took a bullet for a kid and she died" I billed my eyes out and sienna just stared at me. We called Devon and she said she would be here on the next flite

(One week latter)

Sienna POV
Devons plan landed last night and she was staying at a hotel me Jessa and kendra (if you dont remimber sienna talked to kendra in chapter dashtons little...) A van poled up and devon got out so did the boys I was shocked I thought they were on tour i looked at kendra who had a big smile on

"Hey guys" devon said like she was going to cry i huged her. We all went in devon sat at the end her parents were here I could see them giving her death glares kendra was coddiling luke and they both were crying so was jessa and michael. I wasnt I hadn't cryed in years I did want to cry but I couldn't like people say they've cryed so much that they can't cry but they still cry but me I think I have had so much heart break that it broke me this much

"You ok?" Calum asked

"No one of my best friends died" I said and Calum poled me closer

"Why didn't you tell me that you were coming"

"It was last minute" he said and kissed me im so glad my parents are in the back row.

Everyone was leaveing and i needed to fiend kendra i found her with everyone ells im an idiot

"Jessa are you ok?" I asked

"I guess why?" She said

"Let me see your arm" she gave me her arm and i saw all her old cuts no new ones good i looked at the boys and they were all in shock "you didmt tell them?" I asked

"No.." Jessa said then the boys huged her I looked at kendra

"Arm" she didnt "now kendra" she gave me her arm i saw a lot of cuts three were new but the rest were like a old before i could say something luke pold her in a hug and we all joined in.

So that was it kayla was gone the gang is broken Kayla was our girly girl jessa was our idiot devon was our awesomenes kendra was our broken girl that needed to be fixed and i was the good girl emo depressed that they saved we were all manicas and now we need a praidise

Not end of book just end of chapter

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