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I put my bags by the door and called Jessa to see if she was done packing she said yes. so I put my bags in the car and wated for my mom to drive me to Jessa then to Devon's where Devon and Kayla are. My mom gets in finely.

"So tell me again where your going and why?" My mom asked

"Ok so dveon Jessa and Kayla have boyfriends in a band and they asked us to come on tour with them so we are" I said its not a lie its just not the full truth we picked up Jessa who had her stuff and we got to Devon me and Jessa got are stuff told my mom by and she left " deevon were here" I yelled upstairs Devon and Kayla came down with their bags and we all sat around doing nothing then their was a nock on the door then Ashton and Michael walked in Jessa jumped up and huged her boyfriend same with devon

"Calum and Luke stayed behind"Ashton said me and Kayla nodes are heads and got are bags we all put them in the back. Then the one person I didn't want to see came Jack I tryed to ignore him and I stayed next to Ashton and Michael but of cors he walks up to us Jessa see's and comes by me

"What do you want Jack" she said giving him a death stare Ashton gives Michael a look like 'what the hell is rong with her' Michael then gives Ashton the 'I'm bord I want pizza' look. Jack left and Devon and Kayla came out.
We all got in the van and started talking.

I'm hungry I want pizza, I want pizza, I want pizza, "I WANT PIZZA" everone looked at me like they couldn't here me before ugh

" all right mate we can go get pizza no need to yell" Ashton said he told the driver we wanted pizza and he nodes his head. Jessa Devon and Kayla were asleep and sienna was on her phone I know what your thinking how did they fall asleep if it only takes a hour to get were the bus was parked well the answer is it was parked their and now its in Canada which is 4-5 hours from Michigan and we've been in the car at lest 2 hours and my phone is died heyi know I can use jessa's phone I'm mean she's my girlfriend and she's not using it. I grab Jessa phone then turn it on then I see she has a pass word ugh think think think I got it .m.I.c.h.a.e.l. Michael I press enter and its wrong oh come on think think think I got it

"ey sienna what's jessa's password to her phone?" I asked holding she new it and she did!!!

"Its maniac" she said I put it in and it was right YES I said and I look at the skreen and it was a picture of her huging some guy in prison I have know clue who.

"Ey sienna who's this guy in the picture" I said showing her it

"That's Jesse's brother Wayne" aww jessa brother is in jall cool she has a wattpad like me and I have already followed her and calum I'm gonna read her book now (Jessa has a book its kiss me kiss me you should reed it if you haven't her users is -Majestic_Unicorn-)

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