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We whent in and got to are spots front row Ashton came on stage and walked up to his drum then calum Luke and Michael ran around the stage

"ok ever one how are we" Luke yelled the crowed whent wialed then they sung voodoo dall, long way home, and then Luke came asked if they should answer some questions the fans got on their phones all the questions where

Are those girls from Disneyland here are they your girlfriends?

How are the girls you took to Disneyland?. Luke looked at the boys then at us we noded and luke said

"Ok um so yaeh those are, are girlfriend's and yes they are here they are right here" he said walking over to us with calum and Michael he took my hand and poled me up on stage then Devon and Michael got Jessa and calum got sienna we walked where with are boyfriends Devon ran to Ashton

"Ok so this is my girlfriend kayla that's Michaels girlfriend Jessa that's Ashton's girlfriend Devon and that's calums girlfriend sienna" he said ponting to each of us we said hi and sung she kinda hot then ran off the stage and the boys kissed us and took showers

Michael and i walked out of the building and we just talked and talked

"Jessa I think Kayla is hiding something from Luke"

"What why would you think that?"

"I don't know I just think she is"

"Believe me Kayla is not hiding enything from Luke"

"Okay. Let's go back" he said and we walked back in. We ended up staying with the boys that night but no one cared we just got on the bus and fell asleep.

I woke up and ran to the bathroom then thur up I fellt someone pole my hair back after I finished I saw it was Ashton and that everone but Michael and Jessa were up

"You ok baby?" Ash said sweetly as we walked to the back

"I dont know I've been doing that all month I think I got a bug" I said trying to smile

"Devon you need to go to the doctors I'll take you in 20 no buts got it" sienna said walking out of the room I got up and woke Jessa up then I sat on my phone playing Crosses rode then sienna came back in and we left.

I got out and walked in talked to the ladedy and got called in

"So what is the problem?" The doc said

"I keep thuring up and I dont know why" I said

"I see could you be pregnant?"

"Ummm maybe?" I said the doctor told me to lay down I did then she put so gel on my stumic it was cold but that's ok she then wiped it off I sat up and then the doctor said the 4 words I didn't whent to here

"Look's like your pregnant"and with that I started crying my heart out

"I can't be pregnant I just met the guy"I cryed

"Aww sweety its ok your gonna be ok" ok, ok I'm pregnant at 18 I'm not going to be ok

"Can I leave now?" I said and stopped crying she said yes and I left I got in the car and sienna took me back to the buso got out and asked Ashton if we could go for a walk so we did.

"So Devon why did you want to go for a walk?"

Here hose nothing" Ashton I'm kind of pregnant" I said ready to cry

"What" Ashton said shocked

"I'm pregnant" I said getting a little mad "well say something" I said/yelled at him

"I don't know what to say I guess you could come on tour with us" he said still in shock

"I guess I could" I said now calmed down we walked back i was going to go in but ash stoped me

"Hey Devon let's not tell them for a little coz their gonna go crazy" he said I noded my head and we event in

the boys are in the back room talking about something but I have on clue what About then Luke came out with the rest of the boys then he said 8 words that changed my life forever

"How wants to go on tour with us"

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