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Me devon sienna and kalya are watching the boys play and then some girls came over with VIP pass one girl stuck out it was talula siennas sister oh shït shït shït this is bad

"Hi" one girl said

"H-hi" sienna said frecking out talulas eye shot up and looked at sienna

"Si-sienna what are you doing here?" She said frecking out now

"Talula thats calums girlfriend" one of talula friend

"Shït" she mummbed

"Hey do swaer"Ashton said coming over to us

"The good girls bad the perfect child is bad" sienna said shucked

"Shut up sienna your dads favorite" the boys gave sienna a weird look

"Yeah but youer teir little angel"

"Im not even close to an angel sienna i just play them im a bad girl but they would kill me if they new" at this pont the boys went to take showers

"How did you even get here?"

"I got tree tickets and mom came with me" then sienna just ended up taking pictures with the girls so did we then they left.

We all went ro the hotel and started acting like idiots as in runing arond are flor singing ATL lyrics then the worst thing that could happene happened siennas mom booked the same hotel as us and had the same floor as us.

My mom walked out of her room and i died a lot in side

"Will you sto- sienna?"shït

"Hiiiiii" i said

"What are you kids doing here?"

"Um so were on tour with those boys and this is are floor"

"Well be quit its 2:00am" and she went back in her room

"Who was that?"luke asked

"Her mom"devon said luke didnt care then we went to kalya and lukes room and eat cooled pizza and watched frozen their was a nock on the door and it was my sister so i craled in a hole and died no but i wanted to

"Hiiiiii so me and my friends are playing turth or dare and i have to pole one of you in the next room so could one of you please let me pole you" we all liked at Michael he got up and let her pole him then their was a scream and Michael came back.

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