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We got to Canada and had to go to sound chek so the girls just went to the bus we Finished the concert and bryana was their what dose she want

"Ashton our bosses aren't happy with you getting a girl friend, our bosses wanted you to date me not some fan" she said a little mad

"Look bryana I DONT CARE!!!!!!" I said what planet do they live on cuz its not this one bryana juat stormed off and then we had a bunch of stuff to do

I was just sitting in the bus watching the old spider man movies and michael came in and watched with me, after it ended we talked about how we both LOVE spider man, then we got in and argument about which spider man was Better Tobey Maguire or Andrew Garfield, i love andrew hes HOT but Tobey is my favorite.

"What are you guy doing?" Calum asked coming in the room

"Fitting over which spider man is better Andrew Garfield, or Tobey Maguire" michael answered calum just walked out of the room not saying anther word "your girlfriend thinks Andrew is hot" michael added which got him a punch in the arm " that hart im telling Jessa" i just laughed as he left

"SIENNA DONT HIT MY CAT" Jessa yelled.

"I didn't I hit your boyfriend" I said walking in the room where everyone else was

"Michael is m-ok so me and devon are going to the hotel before enything else happens" Ashton said cutting jessa off "ok have fun use protection" Jessa yelled

"To late for that" Devon mumbled but I was the only one who hered i think

"Whated you say?" Jessa asked

"Will do jess will do" I gave her the 'I know what you said well talk later' look she just smiled and left with ash
Calum walked behind me and huged me which scared me so I jumped a little

"Im tierd well you come to bed with me?" He asked me cuz i dont go to bed at the same time as him

"If you career me" and some how he picked me up and careered me to are bunk which was pretty big, we coddled i fell asleep in his arms and for the first time in a long time I felt safe

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