the truth

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Jessas POV
I was at siennas house with her and kendra, devon was with ashton, and the other boys were song righting, Corbin was here with his bast friend Matthew who also had a crush on sienna but she hates him we were all sitting in the liveimg room talkimg i guess

" jessa where is michael takeing you to night" devon asked

" i dont know he wont tell me" sienna giggled "sienna where is michael takeing me" i said

" cant tell you"

" came on sienna ill tell you where calum is takeing you" her eyes snaped up

" calums takeing me out?" Shït I wasn't soppsed to tell her

" no..."

" i be known you since birth Jessa I can tell when your lieing"

" I know but when he asks you can't tell him I told you"

" she's not stuped jess she's been dateing Calum for... 5 months"

" you have a boyfrined?" Corbin asked

" devon" sienna said " yes corbin i have a boyfrined his name is calum now bud out" she snaped then grabed her bag " gals I'm out coming?" She asked me and kendra got up

"Sienna where we going?" I asked

"The hotel duh" she said i nodded

Devons pov
I was watching Jessa and Michael play guter hero and Jessa was wining at their song

"Michael did Jessa just beet you at your part?" Luke asked

"NO I let her win" michael said

"So she did win" kendra who was coddling with luke said

"Yes...." Michael said "how did you get so good eny way?"

" ummm well um sienna would make me play it over and over again when she taught me to play" kendra me and sienna laguhed at the memory

"Oh cool" michael said "I'm hungry let's go eat"

" where?" Luke asked

"Micades?" I said they all nodded

Siennas POV
We walked in the McDonalds and ordered

"Sienna" Devon whispered "you parents are over there"she pointed and my mom dad brothers and sisters were over there

"What why are they here thay never come here" i wispered back my mom gave me a mad look and my dad looked sad and disaponted look I just shrugged it off, kyla was playing and bumped in to me

"Hi sienna what are you doing here" i sighed calum was right next to me

" im getting food go play ky" then she left thats weird owell

"Who was that" calum asked as we walked out

" my lityle sister kyla" calum gave me a questioned look than I got somethong that broke my heart that Calum fixed

Don't came back home ever corben told us everything you disaponted me sienna xx dad

All i wanted to do was cry but i couldnt like i told myself many times before their not worth it. I sows Jessa Devon and kendra the text they huged me and we stayed the night with the boys since we were leaveing tommrow morning

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