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I woke up with Ashton's arm's around me it was nice I'm glad he didn't leave me. Then I felt sick I ran to the bath room and thru up I felt Ashton pole my hear back, and rub my back I brushed my teeth then sat on the bed with ash.

"We have to tell them soon I'm going to start showing soon" I said

"I know but how we can't just say 'hey guys Devon's pregnant so yeah let's go play FIFA' now can we"

"Haha no we can't now cam we i mean you hate FIFA but we'll think off something. Now I'm hungry let's go eat" I said dragging Ashton to the door.

I woke up the same way I always do to sienna saying its time to get up, me and Michael claimed out of his bunk and went to the kitchen, sienna came in and grabed two poptat pack's

"Arevyou going to share with me?" Calum asked

"Not happening Hood"

"Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease"Calum gave her his puppy dog eye

"Fine" sienna gave him a poptart. Damn sienna shure is eating a lot she never eat this much at my house its like she's eating for two ding she PREGNANT wait no she isn't she hasn't even had sex begore she hasn't even gotten a Hickey before so she defenley not pregnant

"Jessa you ok?" Kayla said

"When did yoi get here?" I asked

"We've been here for about an hour and you've done nothing but holed that tost and look at the wall" really have I been standing here for that long

"Oh I was just thinking" she left and I went to find Michael, he was playing FIFA with luke so i sat next to him

"Hey kitten how are you?" He asked

"I'm good you?"

"I'm awesome I have one almost ever mach" I laughed then Ashton and Devon walked in

"Hey guys we have something to tell you" Ashton said

"I'm I'm pregnant"

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