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Jessa POV
We were in Australia and michael had some surprise for me, my eyes are coverd and michael was loading me outside

"Michael what's out here you never go out side?" I asked

"You'll see" he said then we stopped " I got you this" he moved his hands from my eyes and i saw a awesome motorcycle I was speechless so I kissed him "you like it then?"

"No michael I don't like it. I LOVE IT" I yelled the last part "can I go take it for a spin?" I asked

"that's why I got you it just be safe kitty" he said giveing me the kyes, I hoped on it and took it around the block the around the city.

I just got back its dark out. I walked in and was pulled in a hug

"Jessa I missed you" Michael said

"I missed you to babe" I said walking to the coach "coddle?" Michael jumped on the coach next to me and pulled me on his lad kissing my neck

" oh so that's why you missed me" I said

" maybe" he picked me up heading for the stairs, I was kissing his neck sucking on it

Kaendras POV
Me and Luke were hanging with Liz (queen Liz is here) and the rest of his family and they loved me

"So kendra where are you're parents?" Liz asked

"In Florida that's where I'm from" I said

"Oh is it nice there?" Ben asked

"Yeah its a lot like here hot most the time" i said he nodded

"How do you like it here so far?" Jack asked

"I love it here" I said

" hey mom we'd love to stay but we can't" luke said,

We were in the car

"Luke we didn't have to go!" I said kinda mad

"Yes we did I've got something when we get home then I think you'll much better have left"


We walked in his house Luke told me to sit on the coach.
He came back with paper in his hands

"I was wondering if you'd like to go to Paris with me in the first week of January?" I was trying to replay the words that he just said in my head

" yes. I. Would love to" I said still in shock Luke hugged me

"I'm glad"

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