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Yoongi offered to wash Jimin's hair, it was a big step but if the Omega takes it, it was a massive leap in the right direction for them. When his fingers ran through the Omega's hair, he purred, just a bit before slapping a hand over his mouth. "Baby, it's not the first time I've heard you purr. If you want to purr then purr." 

He turned a bit looking at his Alpha, "I've purred around you before? I've never purred before, like ever."

"You've never been safe before, since the day you presented you've been fighting for your life. Your Omega finally feels safe, that's why."

"You really don't mind?"

"Baby hearing your purr turns my Alpha into a mushy pup. It takes everything in me not to rumble right back."

Jimin hid his face into the arms that were crossed on his knees, "I think I'd like to hear that," he whispered.

"Well, then you will I promise. Let's get you cleaned up because I'm really excited about your surprise. He helped Jimin out of the tub and got him dressed, he made sure not to look but it was hard. "I hope you like it, you can change anything about it. I just wanted to show you that I'm in this, all in with you."

He was confused, what in the world is Yoongi talking about, but the thoughts died right then when he saw in front of him a massive nest with his two sleeping pups in the middle. "Oh Alpha, you made us a nest?"

"I did, so it's not perfect. Tae directed me, but again if you want to change something do it. I want you to feel comfortable here, this is your home too, your family, if you'll have us."

"Yes, yes please! I want this Yoongi," his eyes kept darting towards the nest, his scent betraying him and telling Yoongi what he really wanted.

"Go," the Alpha chuckled, "go add your scent and then we'll cuddle and go to sleep."

So Jimin darted out of his arms and gently crawled into the nest, making sure not to disturb what Yoongi built, or wake their pups. He spent about 30 minutes scenting and moving a few things around. He chirped a bit when he came out of his Omega nature, "sorry, how long was I out?"

"Half an hour, a lot shorter than I originally thought you'd be if I'm being honest."

Jimin made grabby hands towards his Alpha, "you promised cuddles Alpha," he whined.

"I did," Yoongi chuckled. "And I always keep my promises."

Jimin had never slept better in his entire life than he did the night he slept in the nest he and his Alpha built and scented, with their pups right next to them. He was in his Alpha's arms the entire night, his scent surrounding him. He never wanted this to end. He woke up before Yoongi and decided that he was going to be the one to make breakfast for a change.

He got it all ready, his three loves still fast asleep in the nest. His hand went out to shake Yoongi's shoulder gently. "Hey, I made breakfast but since the pups haven't eaten I thought we should probably take them to the kitchen."

Yoongi groaned, rolling over to shove his face into the pillow, "go away, don't want to wake up," the Alpha whined, not sounding like an Alpha at all.

Jimin giggled, "you are scent drunk. Our nest is reeking of our scents and it's why you are so sleepy."

"So you are saying you drugged me with chocolate?" Yoongi mumbled.

"In a way, but I don't hear you reprimanding me about it." He huffed as he rolled Yoongi onto his back, "now are you going to get up and come to breakfast since I lovingly made it for you?"

Yoongi groaned, loudly. "FFFIIINNNNNEEEE, I'll leave the comfort of our beautiful nest, wake our puppies up from their best night of sleep ever and come eat."

Jimin knew he was kidding and just being dramatic, "thanks, you are the best." He leaned down and kissed the frowning Alpha on the nose, before trying to leave the bed.

He was pulled back down onto Yoongi's chest, "I'll be more motivated if you kissed me here," he smirked with his finger tapping his lips.

"If I kiss you, will you bring our babies to the kitchen to come eat?" Yoongi nodded his head so quickly that Jimin thought he'd pull something. "Fine," he was trying to sound put out but based on Yoongi's smug grin he knew that he wasn't pulling it off. He gave him a soft peck on the lips. They weren't there yet, he knew Yoongi understood that and wouldn't push him.

Once he pulled back, the gummy smile that Yoongi gave him made his heart beat faster. "I know you aren't ready, but I love you and I'm so thankful that you are absolute shit working in a cafe."

Jimin narrowed his eyes, "I'm going to ignore the insult and focus on the sweet part of that sentence. Now bring the babies to eat mister."

Being with Yoongi was as easy as breathing, he cried when Yoongi gave him the earrings he picked out. And he bawled when he got the gift that Yoongi and the pups made. It was made out of glass, Yoongi had his hands flat in the shape of a heart and then the pups had their hands wrapped together laying on top of the Alphas. "I wanted you to always remember how tiny they were."

"Thank you Yoongi, I can't say it yet. I'm not ready, but I do, I really do."

He pulled Jimin towards him, giving him a soft kiss on his forehead, "I know baby. You show me your love in so many ways that I can wait to hear it." He pulled back, "will you officially move in with me? Not that I don't love you wearing my clothes, but I really don't want you to have an excuse to leave. I'll still pay you to Nanny because I do need to write, but once we are mated my accounts and everything else I have will be yours too."

"Why are you so good to me?" He sobbed against his Alphas chest.

"Because I love you, and I want to tell you about my past if you want to hear it. Once the pups go down for their nap."

Jimin was nervous when he was waiting in the living room for Yoongi to come out, he was scared of what the Alpha was going to say. What if she left and he's still in love with her and he's just settling for Jimin?

"There's nothing to stress about baby, I can smell your anxiousness from the other side of the house."

"Sorry," he chirped. "I'm just scared of what you are going to say."

Yoongi sat down, pulling Jimin into his lap so that the Omega was closer to his scent. "I never intended to get married. I was completely okay with being a writer and focusing on that. But my father had other ideas. And thus my engagement to Chae happened. I didn't hate her, but I didn't love her either. We were together for a few years and Chae wanted kids before she would marry or mate me. I never understood why, but now I'm starting to think that her Omega didn't like my Alpha because lord knows my Alpha hated her big time. Every heat and rut we went to her apartment and tried but nothing came of it." Jimin flinched a bit, "I'm sorry that I didn't wait for you."

"It's not that, Lord knows I'm far from pure. It's just, did you two ever, here?"

"No, never Jimin. She barely came here at all. I knew she was going to leave me if she didn't get pups, I was desperate. So I adopted, it started out with just a little girl, she was a month old and so so tiny. Then they told me that she has a little brother that was a year old, that their Alpha parent was never in the picture and their Omega parent died in a car crash. I couldn't separate them, so I brought them both home. She left me that day. Told me that she was going to find a real Alpha and not raise some whores pups when she can have her own."

Jimin pulled back, "they, they aren't your pups?"

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