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Jimin kept fidgeting, Yoongi was passed out next to him, snoring softly. He needed to pee so he wiggled out of Yoongi's arms, slowly, not wanting to disturb his mate. It was hard, the Alpha always whined in his sleep whenever he wasn't touching Jimin. It was seriously the cutest thing ever, Yoongi was such a soft Alpha, nothing like what he'd seen in the rut house.

Yoongi went out of his way to make Jimin comfortable and feel loved. I mean how many Alphas would willingly let an Omega fuck them when they weren't ready to be fucked? He finished in the bathroom and then he wanted to go check on his pups, he understands why they put them back in their own room, but he really misses them sleeping in their nest with them.

Yes being able to have sex with Yoongi any time in the middle of the night is nice, but so is cuddling with their pups. He cracked the door open, tip-toeing across the rug to their beds. Wonie had stolen Sooie's bunny so Jimin grabbed the tiger and handed it to Sooie who immediately clutched it to her chest. He kissed them both lightly and then turned to leave, his eyes darting to the dresser.

Jimin will be the first to admit that he's nosey, something that has gotten him in more trouble than it was probably ever worth. But alas, he feels safe here so he's going to give in to that itch and go look. There laying on the dresser were two folded shirts, one said 'Please Dada' and the other 'say yes'. Say yes to what?

Then it hit him, this is what his silly Alpha has been panicking about. He squealed, slapping his hand over his mouth as he went to grab his phone from the living room. "Why didn't you tell me, either of you? There's no way he planned this without at least one of you knowing."

He was on a video call with Jin and Tae, both looking guilty and confused. "Uh Min, you are gonna have to narrow it down. There are lots of things your Alpha runs past us. Like he called a few weeks ago just to make sure that rough sex was okay since you were pregnant. I didn't want to remind him that you worked at a rut house through two pregnancies. But I got him to realize that you would tell him if it was too much."

"I was the one begging for it," Jimin pouted.

"Which I told him, repeatedly. But you know him."

Jimin was getting sidetracked, which is basically what they wanted. "Okay, so why didn't you two tell me that he was going to propose? I could have gotten a freaking manicure or something." He screeched quietly.

Tae snickered, "Jimin, in our defense, he's had it for so fucking long now that you would have had to get weekly manicures in order to constantly be prepared. How were we supposed to know that he was finally going to buck up and do the damn thing?"

"He's had it that long?"

"He has," Tae giggled. "He had it sent to me since he couldn't leave you to go pick it out and he knew you'd open any package that came to the house."

"He's not doing this just because I'm pregnant with his pups is he? Like I don't want a sympathy husband," he was starting to sniff and tear up, blame it on the hormones.

"He mated you Min, he loves you so much. He probably just wants you two to have the same last name and to make it more legal for the humans. They don't acknowledge mates like we do."

The Omega sniffed as he wiped his nose on the sleeve of his shirt, "okay. I'm heading back to bed."

"You better act surprised when he asks. Don't ruin this for him." Tae glared a bit. "I'm serious Jimin. Let him get down on one knee and ask, you cry and scream yes and wear that ring. Take pictures and send it to the group chat. You understand me?"

With a promise that he would, he hung up and went back to his beautiful sleeping mate. Climbed into their giant bed, and into his mates arms right in the middle of the nest that Jimin made. Yoongi woke up, his arms wrapped around Jimin's stomach, he could feel his pups kicking under his palms. He's felt it a few times already, but they always kick more when Jimin is just starting to wake up.

He reached into his pocket and grabbed the ring, he'd have to move slow and steady in order to do this without Jimin waking up. It took far longer than he would have liked and he froze more than once thinking he was waking up. But he got the ring onto his mate's finger, he knew he looked smug, but he didn't care at all.

He laid a soft kiss on Jimin's shoulder before getting out of bed, ensuring not to wake the Omega up just yet. Sneaking towards the pups room, they were already up and playing so it was time to get them changed and into their new shirts so they can wake up Dada. "Are you pups ready to wake your Dada up?"

Wonie yelled yes very happily and Sooie cried out Dada while she made her way over to the door. Yoongi swiped them up and carried them to his room where he plopped them in the nest. Jimin started to stir, but once he heard his pups yell out his name he was up. He sat up quickly his left hand coming up to rub his eyes. He made a squeak when the ring brushed across his eyelid, the pups yelled again. Demanding their Dada's attention.

As soon as Jimin's eyes were on their pups, Yoongi got down onto his knee, just ready to ask. "Jimin?"

"YES," he screamed, "YES YES YES." Jimin was practically vibrating with excitement and nervous energy.

Yoongi chuckled, "I didn't even get to ask. What if I was asking if you wanted a threesome?" He'd never ask nor want that, but he liked pushing his Omega's buttons.

"I'd say yes, not that I'd want it personally but if it made you happy I'd willingly do anything. I don't think you understand just how deep I am Yoongi."

The Alpha's heart fluttered, knowing the power he had over his Omega, it was a powerful feeling. But he'd never abuse it, Jimin has been abused way too much in his life. "Then all I ask is that you love me and our pups unconditionally and forever. Because I want forever with you. I know you are my mate, but I want all of us to have the same last name."

"YES YES YES, I'll marry you in this life and the next million because I love you and our pups."

The pups were squealing and clapping as their parents looked at each other with happy tears. They ended up in a puppy pile in the middle of the nest, cuddling and kissing until the pups let it known that they were hungry, all four of them.

"I was thinking," Jimin mumbled around the fork in his mouth, "since Wonie and Sooie's names start with Ji like me, still don't know why that bastard did that, but that we should name these starting with Yoon."

"Uh, he, Jimin I named them. Neither one of them had a name. Apparently the family that was supposed to adopt Wonie backed out when they found out he was a boy and not a girl and then another family was supposed to adopt him when he was six months, but it didn't happen. I don't know why, they never told me. So he didn't have a name, they just called him that boy. I was going to have Chae help me pick their names but as you know she left. So I did it."

Jimin's mouth was wide open, "you, you named them?"

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