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"When you were in that place, was your Omega present?"

Jimin shook his head and blushed, "I had never even produced slick until I had met Yoongi, also it wasn't until I was around him that my cycle was normal."

"So the first heat they forced on you was weeks after you presented which isn't normal, it's usually 6 or more months while your body adjusts to the changes. With your Omega not present you weren't able to fight it. It makes sense. Then the next heat happened because your Omega was in massive distress at the loss of your first pup. It spiraled and sent you into another heat to force you to give it a pup since the other one was lost. While your Omega may not have liked it since it knew you had a mate out there, but the loss of a pup is about the ONLY thing that can take over an Omega more than a mate. It wasn't your or your Omegas fault. Are the pups with you now I'm assuming?"

"They are, I was rescued when the youngest one was around two months old."

"When was your first heat after you found your pups?"

"I think it was six or so months after I had her, why?"

"And you were already with your mate?"

"He was, we weren't mated yet but we saw each other every day." Yoongi was looking at his Omega with so much love in his eyes.

The Dr turned his focus onto the Alpha, "and how are you with two pups that aren't yours?"

"They are mine," he growled.

"Dr, Yoongi adopted my pups before he even met me. That's actually how we met, he had come to the cafe I worked at that his friends owned. One of his Alpha friends ran towards them and Yoongi stood in front of the pups and growled at his best friend to protect them. When the pups started crying I offered to help and he asked if I'd be his Nanny since the pups calmed down around me immediately."

"You," The Drs, mouth dropped open, "you, an Alpha adopted two pups, that just happened to be your fated mates pups? And your Alpha accepts them?"

"He's never had an issue with them, since the moment I laid eyes on them they were mine. I brought them home and my partner wanted nothing to do with another Omega's pups so she left and I was determined to raise them alone. A few weeks later I found Jimin and well, here we are."

The Dr started to chuckle, "this is something for the medical books because wow, most Alpha's would never accept another Alpha's pups and the fact that you adopted them before you met Jimin and you had fully accepted them before that. Wow, you guys are, wow." He finally took a deep breath, "your wolves have some weird ass mystical connection and I truly believe that you found each other and your pups for a reason." He turned to glare a bit at Yoongi, "so Alpha, now that you know you can easily pup your mate, when this one comes I suggest birth control unless you plan on keeping him pupped for the rest of his life?"

A soft pleased growl left Yoongi, before he shook his head, "sorry, my Alpha loves the idea of that. But I will give my mate as many pups as he wants, it's his body so it's his choice."

He clapped his hands and looked at Jimin, "you got yourself a keeper there. Alright, I'm going to schedule your next appointment for, uh, four weeks and also you'll need to fill a few prescriptions for the duration of this pregnancy." The Dr scribbled onto the Rx pad and handed them over. "I'll see you guys in a month."

They got outside and wrapped their arms around each other, "we are having a baby Yoongi, I'll get to have a normal pregnancy."

Yoongi chuckled, his thumbs wiping at Jimin's cheeks to brush the tears away. "I know Baby, don't cry though. It breaks my heart."

"They are happy tears, I promise."

So the Alpha leaned forward and kissed them all away. "Let's go get our pups and tell our friends the good news."

"YOU ARE PREGNANT?" Jin screamed at the top of his lungs before launching at Yoongi and punching him repeatedly. "I can't believe you did that to him, you knew what he'd been through and you go and knock him up anyway? I thought you were infertile you stupid fucking Alpha."

It took both Joon and Hobi to pull the pissed-off Beta away from Yoongi who was on the floor and bleeding, Tae and Kook each had a pup trying to calm them down and Jimin was hovering over Yoongi and was borderline hysterical. "Jin, I have NEVER touched Jimin in any way that wasn't asked for, repeatedly. Hell I let HIM fuck ME multiple times a day until he was ready, even during my rut I didn't fuck him until the last day when he begged me to knot him. I held back for two weeks during my rut without knotting him. You can ask him, he had to convince me that he really wanted it before I'd let him."

Jimin kept nodding his head, agreeing with everything Yoongi was saying but he was crying too hard speak. Then he started to hyperventilate and the next thing he knew, everything went black. "You let him fuck you?" Jin whispered.

"For months Jin, any time he wanted I let him fuck me and let's just say that now that he has the freedom, he's quite insatiable. So I can assure you that I can handle myself around him and would never push him into doing anything he didn't want to do. He's my fated mate, my true mate, my Omega, my hopefully soon-to-be husband, I don't care what you call him because he's mine and I will do everything to keep him happy. And he's happy about this pup, we both are. And as his best friend, he's going to need your support. His last two pregnancies were, not ideal. I want this one to be picture perfect."

"You say that now," Tae mused.

Yoongi scoffed, "I want to get up in the middle of the night to get whatever craving he has. I want to rub his feet and get yelled at because my breathing is annoying him and his hormones are making him cry. I want to paint and repaint the nursery a million times because he can't decide. I want to see nests all over my house and my happy pregnant Omega asleep in them with our pups as he purrs to them. I want to buy clothes and go to Drs appointments. I want this, I want it all."

The five of them just sat there staring at Yoongi like he'd grown two heads, "what?" He huffed.

"Nothing it's just, when did you get so soft?" Hobi giggled.

"He's always been soft," Jimin mumbled from Yoongi's lap where his face was smushed into his Alpha's stomach, he groaned, rolling over to face his friends before he sat up quickly and growled at Jin. Like a full-on, fear inducing growl that none of them had ever heard from him before, "if you ever lay your filthy hands on my mate again, I will chew them off and shove them so far up your ass that I'll be able to rip your insides out with them. Do we understand each other?"

Jin sucked in his breath, "I understand, it was a misunderstanding Jimin. I was just trying to protect you in the way I couldn't at the hotel."

"That's the thing Jin, I know you protected me. I saw the bruises and your limps. I knew that you took many Alphas so I didn't have to. You have always protected me and I'm beyond thankful, but this Alpha is basically a puppy when it comes to me. He pouts when I stop petting him, Jin he actually pouts."

"I do not pout," Yoongi pouted making all of them coo and cackle at the adorable Alpha.

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