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"Baby, I'm ready. If you do any more prepping, I'll have your whole fist up there," Yoongi snorted.

Jimin smiled, "sorry, but I kinda enjoy this. Watching the adorable faces you make and hearing the cute sounds you make. I love it."

"Well," Yoongi breathed out around his moan when Jimin hit his prostate for yet the millionth time since this started. "Think about how adorable I'll look and sound when you are fucking me. Maybe, maybe I'll be able to mate you."

The younger reached up, running his fingers against the mark he left on Yoongi a month ago, before he was kidnapped and taken away from his family. "I'd love that. But I'll be honest, I probably won't be able to do much once you bite me. I'll probably just fall down on your chest and purr."

"I'll ride you, you sit up and bite me when you are close and then I'll ride you until you cum. How does that sound?"

Jimin groaned, "please can we do that, please?"

"Sure baby, lay down. Let your Alpha take care of you." Jimin's cock wasn't massive and he did enough stretching that it shouldn't hurt too much, but he's also not exactly small. Hopefully his Alpha stays chill about all this. "Can I touch you, use your slick to lube up your cock?"

Jimin's hips pumped into the air a bit, his eyes closed as he nodded his head quickly. Yoongi spread Jimin's legs, wanting to be able to get as close to the source as he could without upsetting the Omega. His fingers ran between Jimin's cheeks, scooping up as much as he could that was pouring out, he wrapped his long fingers around the Omega's cock, pumping his fist a few times to ensure that he coated it well. "You ready baby?"

"Yes," he groaned, his hands finding Yoongi's hips. With Jimin's cock lined up to his hole, he slowly started to sit down. "Oh fuck," Jimin grunted with his teeth clenched.

"You okay?"

Jimin shook his head and Yoongi immediately stopped, he was only about halfway down, the position wasn't comfortable but he didn't care. He didn't want to upset his Omega. "Why did you stop?" Jimin breathed out, almost like he was in pain.

"You said you weren't okay, do you want me to get off of you?"

"I'm okay," he squeezed the Alpha's hips harder, "I didn't mean for you to stop. This, it's just overwhelming. I've never felt something like this before."

"Better or worse than the other, you know what never mind. We'll come back to that when we get there."

Jimin smiled before grinning at Yoongi like he was about to shatter his entire world. Jimin planted his feet and thrusted up into the Alpha. "Oh shit," Jimin yelled, "oh fuck," Yoongi grunted.

His teeth were clenched, "don't stop, ride me Alpha, make me cum," he got out before he fell back onto the headboard.

So that's what Yoongi did, his hips started to move. He bounced up and down, he rocked back and forth. He wanted to find the best way to make Jimin feel good, and if he got off as well, then awesome. Based on the moans and cursing Jimin was doing, he must be doing something right. "I'm close Yoongi, please, can you bite me?"

He reached down, pulling the Omega into a sitting position. He wouldn't need to scent him to keep him calm, their pheromones from sex were more than enough. He kissed the spot before he sank his teeth into his mate. The instant connection was finally all the way complete, it was no longer one-sided and it was even stronger now. He felt Jimin cum inside him, he was close, if he kept rocking he'd come as well, especially in this position with his prostate being constantly pushed against.

But Jimin went limp in his arms, his purring loud as he turned his head a bit and nuzzled into Yoongi's pillow. He pulled off, intending to go clean up but the distressed sound from his mate made him stop before he left the nest. "You can't leave the nest."

"Okay baby," he reached down and grabbed the pants he pulled off earlier and cleaned them both up from Jimin's cum. Then he pulled Jimin into his arms, his hands rubbing up and down his back. 

"You didn't cum," Jimin whispered against his chest.

The Alpha chuckled, "this isn't about me, this is about you. You are in heat, I'll be fine."

"I could, can I touch it?"

"Do you want to touch it?" He was being careful, would he love Jimin's hands on him? Of course, but he doesn't want him to do anything he's not ready for.

"You always do that," he groaned in frustration, "just answer me damnit."

Yoongi rolled them over to where he was hovering above Jimin, "do I want you to touch me? Of course I do. But I don't want what I want to influence your decision. I want you to do it because you want to, not because you think I want you to."

"I want to," he whispered. "I've," he stuttered.

"I know baby, you are free to explore with me. Whatever you want to do, whatever you want to try, we can. Just tell me what you want and I'll give it to you."

He could see Jimin gulp, his eyes darting down to his adam's apple. They've barely kissed, nothing more than innocent kisses like they are teenage pups that just presented. And now they just lost their virginities to each other. "I want to kiss you and touch you."

So Yoongi leaned down, pressing his lips against Jimins, not moving, not pushing for more. He'll always go at Jimin's pace. He was shocked when Jimin opened his mouth, his lips moving slowly and tentatively. He felt the Omega's small hand running down his chest, his fingers brushing against his skin. When his hand wrapped around the base of his cock, where his knot would grow Yoongi couldn't help that his hips flexed a bit. "More Yoongi," Jimin whined.

So Yoongi opened his mouth as well, his lips moving with Jimin, his tongue slowly licking at Jimin's bottom lip, seeing if it was okay. Jimin moaned, his grip on Yoongi getting tighter before leaving completely. The Alpha in him whined like a kicked pup, but Yoongi held it in. This isn't about you, get your shit together.

When Jimin's hand came back to his cock, his fingers were coated in his slick. Now he had the scent of his slick in his ass and on his cock. This is the best day ever, and this time Yoongi couldn't hold back the whine that left his lips. Jimin smirked into the kiss, "does my Alpha like that?" He purred, "does he like smelling like his Omega?"

"You know I do," he grunted as he pumped his hips, fucking Jimin's fist.

"Are you going to knot my hand Alpha?"

Yoongi dropped his head onto Jimin's shoulder, his nose right on the mating bite. "Jimin," he whined. "Stop talking about my knot because I'm literally two seconds away from doing just that."

"But that's what I want Alpha, don't you want to make your Omega, that's in heat happy?" Yoongi stupidly nodded his head as a whimper left him. "Then knot my hand Alpha."

So that's what Yoongi did, he fucked into Jimin's fist until his knot expanded completely. Jimin had both hands wrapped around it, working it until Yoongi came all over his chest. Jimin was purring, rubbing Yoongi's cum all over his skin. "Alpha," he whined. He was scent drunk, just like Yoongi was the first time he slept in the nest with Jimin.

"Do you want me to clean you up or do you want to keep it there for a bit?"

"I want to cum all over you and rub my slick all over you," his pupils were completely blown, his voice slurring his words.

So Yoongi ran his hands through Jimin's slick, rubbing it all over his torso, then he held Jimin's already hardening cock and worked him until he came, adding that to the mix. They smelled so much like each other that no other wolf is going to want to walk into this house. "Baby are you sure you want the pups to come back tomorrow? Because if so we are going to have to clean the fuck out of the nest and ourselves."

"I want my pups Yoongi," he growled as he glared at the Alpha. 

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