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Jimin's Omega was going insane anytime the Alpha did anything even remotely sweet for Jimin, which was all the time. "Jimin, hey I wanted to take them to the park. Did you want to go?"

"Oh, of course." They got the kids bundled up, it wasn't winter yet, but it was getting there. 

"Why are you smiling?"

"Huh?" Jimin didn't even realize he was smiling, he was just thinking about his birthday coming up. "Oh, my birthday is in a few days."

"WHAT?" Yoongi yelled, "why didn't you tell me? There's so much to do, I need to order a cake and get you a gift. Damnit Jimin," he grumbled as he pulled his phone out. "Tae I need your help, Jimin's birthday is in a few days." He hummed a bit, nodding his head before turning back to look at Jimin, "what day?"

"Oh uh Friday."

"Did you get that Tae? Alright, you are a lifesaver." Yoongi hung up, he turned to look at Jimin, "you are in big trouble mister. Not telling me about your birthday."

Jimin giggled out a sorry as they watched Wonie run after a leaf that was blowing. He nuzzled into Sooie more as she rubbed her face in his scent gland, he froze. He was actively scenting Yoongi's child, "Yoongi I'm so sorry."

The Alpha cocked his head to the side, "I'm just giving you a hard time, you didn't have to tell me about your birthday. I mean I am mad, but not mad mad."

"No, I. I just scented Sooie. She's your pup, and I scented her. I'm so sorry."

Yoongi reached out and squeezed Jimin's forearm, "Jimin she's been comforted by your scent since the first moment you held her, both of them. And after the week you spent with them during my rut, they smell more like you than they do me."

"You aren't mad? I know how possessive Alphas get over their pups."

That's true, they really do. But Jimin wasn't just anyone and if you wanted to get technical they pups weren't his. He was actually nervous about his Alpha rejecting them, but for some reason, he never has. He's always been all about these pups and that they are his. "My Alpha is comfortable with you being around them, he's comforted by your scent, so smelling your scent on them is nice."

He makes Jimin blush all the time, but right now he's as red as a tomato, "watch them, I'll be right back." He watched Yoongi walking away before turning back to nuzzle into Sooie and watch Wonie who was bringing back the leaf he caught.

"Did you catch a leaf Wonie?"

"Dada, eaf."

Jimin froze and Yoongi chuckled, "Yoongi, I swear I didn't encourage that or."

"Jimin calm down, I'm not surprised he called you Dada, you are with them as much as I am."

"You don't mind?" Before Yoongi could even respond Wonie screamed Appa and bite. "You bought ice cream? It's October."

Yoongi smirked, "so are you saying you don't want any?"

The Omega scoffed and reached across the grass and snatched it from the Alpha's hand. "Of course I want it, I love ice cream. You know this."

They shared their ice cream with the pups, Yoongi got a dairy-free and sugar-free vanilla for him and Sooie, while Jimin had a chocolate fro-yo to share with Wonie. They felt like a family, and it was breaking Jimin's heart a little. Every night when he had to leave his Omega would start to fight him and get depressed the further away from the pups and Yoongi he got.

They had just finished dinner, they cleaned up together and bathed the kids together. Now Wonie was crying because Jimin had been trying to leave for the past hour and he wasn't having it. Finally he gave up and laid down in Yoongi's bed, "I'll leave when he's asleep."

30 minutes later, Yoongi smiled. He had all three of his babies fast asleep in his bed. His Alpha was so happy right now. He got up and quietly walked out of his bedroom, pulling his phone contacts up. "Joon, I'm fucked."

Joon chuckled on the other end of the line, "pay up Tae, he's finally admitting his feelings."

"Damnit Yoongi, you couldn't wait until his birthday to admit your feelings? You just lost me $20."

"You guys bet on me?" He whisper yelled.

"Of course we did," Tae scoffed. "You two are so in love it's not even funny."

Yoongi groaned as he plopped down onto the couch, "you don't understand though. He hasn't even opened up about his past. I know it wasn't a good one, but I don't think he's ready for a relationship as much as I'd love one."

"Have you opened up to him? Have you told him about Chae, how you adopted those pups and she ran out on you?"

"Of course not, I already feel pathetic enough. I don't want him to look at me that way."

"Yoongi," Tae sighed, "you adopted two pups to give your bitch of a fiance the pups she wanted. She got mad because they weren't hers and she left you. How is that your fault? You've done everything for them, you are a great Appa and a great Alpha. Any Omega would be lucky to have you."

"Should I court him?"

"That's a start at least, although if we are being honest you kinda already are. I saw you feed him by hand just last week."

"Hey," Yoongi yelled. "He was feeding Sooie her bottle and I heard his stomach growl. What was I supposed to do, let him starve?"

"Okay, so what about the flower crown you made him last month?"

Yoongi sighed, "I made one for each of the pups too. I didn't want him to feel left out."

"And why would that be a big deal?" Joon mused.

"Because my Alpha was pitching a shit fit until I did it, is that what you want to hear?"

"YES!" They both screamed. "That's exactly what we wanted to hear." Joon blurted out over Tae's whooping in the background.

"I hate you both, so fucking much. I'll see you tomorrow, I have to get back to my three babies."

"Three?" Tae screamed, "is Jimin still there? It's almost midnight Yoongi, you have some explaining to do."

"Later," he sighed. "We'll talk tomorrow at the party."

When Yoongi went to bed, Jimin shuffled closer in his sleep, his nose going straight for Yoongi's scent gland as he sighed happily in his sleep. His Alpha was acting like an excited pup right now. Tail wagging and tongue hanging out, the whole nine yards. When he woke up the next morning, there was a heavy weight on his shoulder, he lifted his head and got a full whiff of Jimin's chocolate scent. He smelled like a fudge cake and it was delicious. 

Wonie was under one of Jimin's arms and Sooie was on his chest, he remembered that he put Wonie on the other side of him, yet sometime during the night he crawled over Yoongi to get to Jimin. His pups have claimed Jimin as their other parent, he's not even sure if Jimin has realized it yet. But from the minute they saw him, that was it for them. They took to him much faster than they ever took to Yoongi.

It took a long time to get out from under Jimin without waking him or the pups, but he got Wonie out of Jimin's arms, changed and fed before setting him up to play while he got Sooie ready for the day. He wanted to make Jimin breakfast in bed, if he was being honest with himself he wanted to make him breakfast in bed every single day of his life.

He grabbed the tray and Sooie, telling Wonie to follow him to go see Dada. Wonie clapped his hands and screeched Dada over and over as he followed behind his Appa. Yoongi tried to be quiet so he could surprise Jimin, but Wonie made that impossible. As soon as the door was open he screamed Dada and ran towards the bed. 

Jimin jolted up, his hair all over the place. "Oh my God I fell asleep. Yoongi I'm so sorry."

"I made you breakfast."

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