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Yoongi thought that Jimin might go back to wanting to fuck vs being fucked after everything he's been through, but apparently, Yoongi made him feel things that he had never felt before. Anytime the babies were sleeping Jimin pounced, most days they were having sex at least three times a day. He was an Alpha wolf, so he could handle it, but damn was Jimin testing his stamina and endurance big time. 

He's never had that much sex in his life, not even during his prior ruts with Chae or her heats. There were actually times he found it difficult to get hard, but with Jimin all the younger had to do was look at him with his bedroom eyes and he'd find himself getting hard. It made being around their friends slightly difficult since that turd liked to get Yoongi riled up whenever they were around. Insisting on always sitting on his lap and scenting him to the point of almost getting scent drunk. 

They had been called out for it numerous times before. Their pheromones spiking and making everyone around them groan in annoyance. But they didn't care, they were newly mated and since Yoongi had been breeding Jimin multiple times a day the Alpha couldn't get over just how much he smelled like him and he absolutely loved that. They had just put the pups to bed, it was almost two months after his rut and Jimin was smelling really sweet. "Baby, is your heat coming up soon?"

"I think so, in a few weeks. Why?"

Yoongi's nose was buried in the crook of Jimin's neck, where he'd been sniffing for hours already. "You smell so very sweet, I just want to eat you up."

His scent got sweeter, "well you know I won't stop you," he cheeked. So that's how Yoongi found himself laying on his back with Jimin riding his face while getting his cocked sucked. They fell asleep wrapped in each other's arms but the next morning Jimin wasn't feeling great. He had major heartburn, was tired all the time, and snapped at everyone except the pups. After three weeks of this, Yoongi demanded that Jimin go see a Dr. So Tae came to watch the pups and Yoongi dragged him there.

"Congrats Mr. Park, you are pregnant."

Yoongi's entire world stopped, "excuse me, but that's not possible. I can't have pups."

The Dr looked at Yoongi, his head cocked a bit in confusion. "How long have you been mated?"

"A little under 6 months."

He wrote a few things down on the chart, "well based on what you've told me about your cycles, it looks like you two conceived during your last rut. And Mr. Park is late for his heat as well, that's usually the first sign."

"I've been late before, there were times my Omega refused to go into heat unless I was induced and even then he's refused it at times."

"Has it ever not come around your mate?" Jimin shook his head no, "well we ran your blood, you are for sure pregnant. Is that not what you want? We can talk about termination if that's the route you want. I'll give you two some time to talk." The Dr left and Yoongi fell down on his knees hugging Jimin.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. Don't hate me, please. I love you, I didn't know."

Jimin ran his fingers through the Alpha's hair, "why are you sorry?"

"I pupped you, I know we joked about it in the middle of sex but I didn't. I thought I couldn't, I tried for years. She wouldn't marry me until I got her pregnant and it never happened. I don't understand, I Jimin I'm so sorry. I got you pregnant because I didn't wear condoms. Please don't leave me."

"Yoongi, I'm not mad, shocked as shit yes, but not mad. I'm actually really happy."

The Alpha looked up, tears covering his cheeks. "You are happy? You are happy that you are having my pup?"

Jimin palmed his mates cheeks. "You are my true mate Yoongi, I'd have a million pups with you. But I am worried about something."

Yoongi shot to attention, his focus solely on his Omega. "What, I'll be there for whatever you need."

The Omega bit his lip, "I know that you love Wonie and Sooie, but do you promise that you won't love this baby more because it's yours biologically?"

He stood up, pulling Jimin into his lap, "I will love any pup that comes from you because you are my mate and they are a part of you, which means they are mine too. I will love all of our babies, equally, I promise you."

"Then I want to have your pup, I'm excited to have your pup. I want to go to Dr's appointments with you, and go shopping for baby things. I want to be able to hold my baby after I give birth and be there. I know I showed up when Sooie was only two months old, but I missed the first year of Wonie's life. I know you did too, but I don't want to miss anything."

"I want that too Baby, so much. I missed out on all of that with our pups too, so we'll do this, together."

There was a soft knock on the door, "did we come to a decision?"

Jimin nodded his head, "yes it's just we have some questions if that's okay?"

"Of course, it's what I'm here for."

"I was with another Omega for years and we were trying for a pup but it never happened. So I'm just surprised that it happened so easily."

"You aren't doubting the paternity of the pup are you? Because I have to tell you that mated couples find it extremely hard to cheat, let alone without the other mate knowing immediately, also the odds of a pup are like a million to one."

"No, it's not that. I know Jimin would never, I would never. I'm just shocked I guess, I didn't think it could happen. It's why I didn't use protection, since I was under the assumption I couldn't."

The Dr sat leaned back in his chair, "if you don't mind me asking, are you by chance fated mates?" They both nodded their heads. "Well that explains why you couldn't pup your last partner and why Jimin's Omega refused to go into heat. Your wolves knew something you didn't."

Jimin teared up, falling into Yoongi's shoulder as he sobbed out an I'm sorry over and over. "Jimin has two pups from before we met."

The Dr scrunched up his face, "two? You are so young to be on your third pup." He looked at Yoongi, "I'm surprised honestly since his Omega refused heats before."

"Baby, can I tell him?" Jimin sobbed harder but nodded his head, this was their Dr they needed to trust him if they wanted all the answers. "When Jimin presented at 16 as an Omega, his parents sold him to an underground Rut Hotel, there he was forced into a heat a few months after presenting and was raped by an Alpha in rut until he was pregnant. When he delivered the baby it was taken away and not long after he went into heat again where the same thing happened."

The Dr sucked in his breath, "first off I am so sorry that happened to you Jimin, no Alpha should abuse their power like that. Do you mind if I ask some more questions about this? I know you are upset and I'm not judging you at all, you did what you had to do to survive and I know this is hard. But I want to figure this out to help you guys."

"You can ask me anything as long as you don't mind that I'm probably going to cry like a baby."

He chuckled before pushing a box of tissues towards the Alpha's outstretched hand, "cry all you want. What happened to you should never happen to anyone."

"Thank you."

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